May 22, 2009

Family of Robert Mitchell Call for End to Taser Torture

Robert Mitchell is the teenager killed by taser fire from Warren (MI) police officers. The powers-that-be have yet to provide clear answers or accountability for his untimely death. More than 100 family members, friends and anti-brutality advocates assembled yesterday for a peaceful march they hope will change taser torture policies in the local police department.

"Robert Mitchell is going to be the catalyst for peace. He didn't die for nothing," Sandra Hines of the Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality told the crowd. "It's so important to bridge together between Warren and Detroit. We want peace."
The protestors also called for the termination of Warren police officers who chased Robert Mitchell into an abandoned house in Detroit on April 10 after he fled police during a traffic stop.

You can read more here and here.

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