June 5, 2009

Even Young People Aren't Fooled by Michael Steele

Check out the faces of these young people as they listen to RNC Chair Michael Steele.

What do you think of Michael Steele?


  1. as always the dangerous thing about listening to the devil it that there are valid points that he makes, but they usually lead you down a bad path for all the right reasons.

    Funny Mike didn't give them (at least in this video clip) his resume of being Lt. governor of Maryland and all the controversey and investigations that came with it.

  2. DJ - One thing about Michael Steele ... he found a way to get paid for his Step-n-Fetchit act in the Republican Party. Apparently, he has no shame in his game...

  3. Is it just me - or is he talking out of both sides of his mouth? His favorite, Malcolm? Please! Malcolm did say "by any means necessary" - but that did not include selling his soul as Steele has seemed to do.

  4. Michael needs to get his story together. He really irks me personally. I am sure that those young people realize that he does not have the level of power or respect that he should have within his party.

    I would love to ask him how he can defend the conservative base of the GOP? While he would like to contend that Limbaugh doesn't have more power than him-it does not come across that way to me.

    How is he going to attract people of color to the GOP? As it stands right now the conservative base is making it clear that they want their party to be identified as White and male. What is his plan to do change that particular dynamic?

  5. Sojourner - I imagine that he calls Malcolm X his hero in front of Black audiences ... then turns around and calls Ronald Reagan his hero in front of white audiences. Ya' think?!

    Lady D - It is hard to find any Republican that is an ally of Michael Steele. He is one brother that seems all alone on his GOP island...


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