May 31, 2009

Obama Effect: Artur Davis Looks Strong in Alabama

I told y'all a few months ago that Artur Davis (D-AL) was a beneficiary of the Obama Effect.

Davis strives to become the first African American governor of Alabama. He is looking good in recent polls.

In head-to-head matchups, Davis leads Democratic Chief Justice Sue Bell Cobbs, 54%-25%, and Commissioner of Agriculture and Industry Ron Sparks, 56%-26%. He's also ahead of Republican Bradley Byrne, 43%-38%. Byrne is chancellor of Alabama's community college system and a former state senator.

I guess that Charles Barkley's window of opportunity to be Alabama governor is over, huh?!


  1. Many more examples of the Obama effect to come.

  2. MacDaddy - I'm keeping an eye out for 'em! If you see 'em before me ... lemme know. I want to share the 411 with my blog readers...

  3. Charles waited too long to reestablish his residency back in Alabama.

    That said, I'm not a fan of Artur Davis either. The man has voted twice against hate crimes legislation and is lukewarm on ENDA.

    I understand the political calculations that went into this year's NO vote on hate crimes but what was his excuse in 2007?

  4. Monica - I'm not a resident of Alabama ... so I don't have a horse in the game. I respect that you are calling Artur Davis on his lukewarm support of ENDA. Do the other Alabama governor candidates have a stronger stance on ENDA in your view?

    I ask because I sometimes wonder if we measure our political support on an absolute scale (yes or no) versus a relative scale (how strong versus opposition).

    Anyhow, from the outside ... I like the idea of credible Black candidates running for office. I agree that you should examine record and vote accordingly. Just seems like ENDA is a hard case for any politician in Alabama, not just Arturo Davis.

  5. Charles Barkley was never serious about being an elected official was he?? I mean, he realizes that he's not perceived as being very ...ummm.... intelligent, doesn't he?

  6. BWBTT - I 'spose that Barkley is measuring intelligence based on standards set by GWB (past POTUS). Anyhow, Barkley did say he planned to run for Alabama governor as recently as Oct 2008...


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