June 24, 2009

Rev. Wiley Drake Prays for Obama's Death

Republican Alan Keyes once called Barack Obama an 'abomination'. So, it shouldn't surprise us that Keyes' one-time presidential running mate, Rev. Wiley Drake is now publically praying for President Obama to die. [SOURCE]

Drake, a former second vice president of the Southern Baptist Convention, told Fox News Radio earlier this month that he was practicing 'imprecatory prayer' (Imprecatory prayers basically are curses. They ask God to visit all sorts of bad things upon one's enemies. You find them in the Psalms, which is where Drake found the justification for his prayers) that would cause the president to die.

"If he does not turn to God and does not turn his life around, I am asking God to enforce imprecatory prayers that are throughout the Scripture that would cause him death," Drake said in an interview with Fox’s Alan Colmes.

I wonder if this is the official position of other Baptist preachers in America? Is civility and goodwill so far lost in our nation that a so-called 'Man of God' can publically pray for the death of our president?

I encourage all villagers to join The Presidential Prayer Team if you want to focus your energy in a more positive direction.


  1. I find this disgusting. I cannot believe what some people think much less say out loud.

  2. Jayne - I wonder if Rev. Drake truly beleives that Obama should die ... or if he is simply seeking publicity?

  3. Alan Keyes and Rev. Drake should put away the pain, frustration and disappointments of their failed Presidential campaign. They should now support President Obama with encouragement, suggestions and positive prayers to help him overcome this nation’s problems.

  4. Kenny - Thank you for sharing your village voice both here and on Facebook. I was pleased to learn of The Presidential Prayer Team website...

  5. Hello there!

    It may be the official position of other Baptist preachers who have not made their positions public...but let's not stop with the Baptists...there are others who are not supportive of Obama!

    Just because someone CLAIMS to follow God doesn't make it a fact...

    Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

  6. Lisa - I must admit that I have been surprised by the intensity of the hate for Barack Obama by some ... especially those rabid right wing anti-abortion folks. The death of Tiller was one outcome. The vitriol against Obama is scary in many respects.

    A preacher praying for another human being to die?!?

    Where does this nonsense end?


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