July 5, 2009

This Week in Blackness: BET Doesn't Care About Black People

I'm very happy to report that Elon James White is back in the mix with his unique video commentary, This Week in Blackness. In this episode Elon discusses the BET Awards and the connection between BET and Black folks.

I consider myself lucky that I didn't watch the BET Awards Show last week. It appears to have been a waste of time. On the off chance that you missed it as well, here are the 7 best and worst moments from the show.

I also didn't have a clue about the identity of Frankie and Neffie until today. I guess it is clear that I'm no longer in the BETF demographic.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the flow from Elon James White. I hope he gets back on a regular weekly schedule with his videos again this season!


  1. LOL. I am so glad that I didn't watch the awards show either. This was funny!

  2. A. Spence - I first learned of this comic last year and posted the first season of his videos. I hope that he continues to produce these videos on a weekly basis. He has a unique sense of humor...

  3. Hi there!

    I thought I was the only black person who didn't see the BET Awards!! *LOL*

    I don't own a television and I am not sad that I missed that coonery (that's Thembi's word)!!

    Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

  4. Lisa - No television!?!?!

    I work from my home office and the TV is running in the background most of the time. The DVR-feature is one of the best inventions of the 21st century...

    Of course, I imagine that if I had my feet 'waxed' then I would probably be more calm and able to live without the TV (smile)...


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