September 27, 2009

Sunday Inspirations: Hallelujah

Often our spirit is touched by music in a very strong way. Leonard Cohen wrote Hallelujah back in 1984. It has been sung many times since all across the world. We've seen it sung in blockbuster animated movies ... on American Idol ... as a theme for a recent episode of The Closer. Everytime that I hear the song it causes me to stop whatever multi-tasking that I'm doing to simply listen. I hope that these two versions bring peace to your soul as well.

Myles Kennedy (Acoustic)

Jeffrey Buckley (Live)

Sunday Inspirations is the meme created by Sojourner in honor of her Mother. This is just one way to help get us through the week ahead, the trials we may face, and yes, to say Thank Ya and testify! I hope that you participate and share with us your Sunday Inspirations. Your weekly contribution may very well be the inspiration that someone else may need and has been looking for.

The Rules:
  1. Anyone can participate.
  2. You may post a video, poem, religious verse, song, story, picture, ANYTHING that has given you inspiration and the motivation to go on. Just make sure not to offend anyone.
  3. Add your name to the meme list so others can be inspired.
  4. Be and get inspired and be sure to comment.


  1. Much obliged for the blessing and inspiration. Must say that this is the first time that I've ever heard this song. It is beautiful!

  2. This is such a lovely song, very inspirational.

  3. S.Elisabeth - I'm glad that you enjoyed the flow of my meme-entry this week. I truly find peace when I listen to this song.

    SJP - You and your husband need to rent the original Shrek for your anniversary. This song is included in that animated flick's sound track.


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