October 15, 2009

Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Ga) Apologizes for his Racist 'Ghetto Grandmother' Comment

It gets tiring to hear these old white politicians apologize for their racist comments. Wouldn't it be easier to simply find a way to live in this nation and serve as a national leader in harmony with one another ... instead of playing to the fears and hatred hidden in our national conscience?

Evidently, that is too much to ask of Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Ga). Deal is running for governor of the state of Georgia. Here he is using the term 'ghetto grandmother' in a private fundraiser earlier this month:

Once a videotape of Deal delivering the “ghetto grandmothers” comment hit the airwaves, Deal quickly issued a statement of apology.

I regret my choice of words and in no way meant to offend anyone,” he said.
How can we address racism in a positive manner if we keep electing racists?


  1. I don't even know what a ghetto grandmother is. That must be a southern thang. Maybe I'm not getting the statement because I do not identify the word ghetto as a part of my ethnic and cultural heritage.

  2. Lady D - I hadn't heard the term either. Evidently it is someone who is a grandmother by the age of 36...


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