October 4, 2009

Sunday Inspirations: Be Encouraged

Iya sent this to me a few years ago. It spoke to me this morning as I re-read it. I thought other villagers might find strength from it as well.

In today's society, we need all the encouragement we can get!

Lord, I'm disappointed in myself. I don't like what's happening inside me. I'm up and then down. When I listen to an uplifting Bible teaching or I'm blessed by a scripture passage during my quiet time, I feel fine for awhile. I think, "I'm on my way to wholeness." I'm reminded of who I am with you and life seems wonderful for a little while, maybe even for a few days. I dare to hope I'll feel that way the rest of my life. Then one day I suddenly realized that my wonderful confident feeling has disappeared like the morning dew, and I'm down again. The pattern keeps repeating itself. A Christian ought not to be like this. What can I do about it?

Dear Child, You are putting unnecessary oughts on yourself. Who says a Christian shouldn't be like this? Allow yourself to be human. You're still living in a fallen world. You know, you still live in a human body and subject to its limitation. Instead of being down on yourself when you feel less than yourself, encourage yourself with the thought that just as painful circumstances never last, neither do such feelings. They're always temporary. Life has it hurts and its interruptions, but it always picks up again, and you are wiser and stronger for your experiences. You are growing and changing constantly. You're not the same as you were yesterday, last week, last year or 10 years ago. It happens so gradually that you're not aware of it. But growth is not necessarily steadily forward. That's alright; I accept you as you are.

Since you know your feelings are changeable, don't pay to much attention to them. Instead of trusting in your feelings, put your anchor in Me. I never change, I am always dependable. My purposes are eternal, unchanging, and perfect. The plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations. (Psalm 33:11)

When you're feeling down, you have difficulty being aware of my presence. The enemy would like to use that to keep you from communing with me. Don't let his suggestions affect your devotional life. I am as near you when you feel I am a million miles away as when you're rejoicing in My presence I never leave you.

Precious child, do you realize it's when you drive yourself the hardest that you're most prone to gloomy feelings. Give yourself a break. Allow yourself to do things just for fun. Stop taking yourself so seriously. The earth won't stop turning if you fail to get everything done in a day. Even Jesus didn't work all the time. He took time to go fishing with His disciples. He called them aside to rest. He relaxed in the home of Mary and Martha. He enjoyed a wedding party. Stop feeling guilty for your feelings. Remember that no one escapes occasional times of low spirits. Look at your shadowy times as opportunities for greater trust in me. Refuse to struggle over anything you have no control over. When your commitments become too much for you, give yourself permission to say no. The world won't fall apart.

Remind yourself that I'm in charge. Rest in the knowledge that I am with you. Nothing can happen without my consent. You are my responsibility.

Join the psalmist in declaring "You O Lord are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness." (Psalm 86:15) Bear that in mind, that every time you are tempted to give into gloom. Your feelings are OK but don't let them order you around. Remember that you can't always be sure of your feelings, but you can always be sure of my love, and faithfulness. That's what matters most.

"There's no such thing as failure, only results...
with some more successful than others." ~~Jeff Keller

Sunday Inspirations is the meme created by Sojourner in honor of her Mother. This is just one way to help get us through the week ahead, the trials we may face, and yes, to say Thank Ya and testify! I hope that you participate and share with us your Sunday Inspirations. Your weekly contribution may very well be the inspiration that someone else may need and has been looking for.

The Rules:
  1. Anyone can participate.
  2. You may post a video, poem, religious verse, song, story, picture, ANYTHING that has given you inspiration and the motivation to go on. Just make sure not to offend anyone.
  3. Add your name to the meme list so others can be inspired.
  4. Be and get inspired and be sure to comment.

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