December 14, 2009

Family Accuses Roseville Police of Excessive Force in Taser-Killing of Paul Martinez

The family of Paul Martinez publically protested his taser-related death. [VIDEO] Martinez's family held a protest outside the jail Sunday, holding signs accusing police officers of using excessive force against a man who was disabled in one arm. [SOURCE]
"We want to know, why was my ex-brother-in-law Tasered?" said Alison Watts. "He only has one arm, he's legally crippled, he had an SSI case pending. He was shot a year ago."

Martinez's family acknowledged his drug use and arrests, but said his past shouldn't turn the focus away from his death in police custody.
"He shouldn't have had meth on him, but because he had a drug problem he deserved to die?" Alison said.

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