August 16, 2010

Blog Safari #42

There are some truly creative Black bloggers out in the afrosphere. This semi-regular blog safari is designed to help you find and enjoy these talented folks. I encourage you to join our rhino-guide -- call her Nyabingi -- by visiting the links below to enjoy these suggested blog posts!

Let us know if you come across any remarkable posts that should be shared in our next Blog Safari!


  1. Have I ever been featured in one of these safaris?

  2. Della - No. Frankly, I didn't know about your blog until today. Let me know if you have a blog post you want us to share in future blog safaris. I share these blog safaris about 2-3 times per month...

  3. Thank you so much for including me! I feel so honored!

  4. Daij - You keep bringing the heat on your blog and I think that you will find yourself visited more and more often by Nyabingi for her blog safari!


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