August 19, 2010

Martha Ann's Quilt for Queen Victoria

I shared information on my sister's book, Martha Ann's Quilt for Queen Victoria a few years ago.   It is a children's book that share the true story of Martha Ann Ricks, an ex-slave who spent fifty years saving spare coins to fulfill her dream of meeting the Queen of England. 

Kyra Hicks (shown in above photo) is a world-class expert on African American quilts and quilters.   I'm pleased to see that a review of her book is now available on video:

Click here to see the book on Amazon.

Personally, I can't even sew a button back on my shirt ... however, I suspect that the villagers reading this blog post are much more creative.   Have any of you practiced the art of quilting?  or painting?  or anything else in the artistic realm of our village?

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