August 22, 2010

Taser Death: Stanley Jackson (Washtenaw County, MI)

It happened again. This time 31-year old Stanley Jackson was tasered-to-death by a Washtenaw County Sheriff deputy for resisting arrest. I'm not aware that the death penalty is authorized for resisting arrest. However, the police seem to feel perfectly within their procedural rights to serve as executioner whenever they feel disrespected.

The extra-judicial electrocution occurred on Friday, August 20, when officers claim that Jackson didn't comply with their orders. One of the officers zapped Jackson with 50,000 volts of electricity thru a taser gun. The police say Jackson was still vocal and active right after being tasered.

"The deployment of the Taser was a direct response to the behavior of the subject," Washentaw Sheriff Clayton said.
Jackson was dead within the next two hours. Something went wrong ... and it seems that the taser may have been the cause of his death. Doctors spent 40 minutes trying to revive him. [SOURCE]

Jackson leaves behind numerous family members, including four children, ages 3 months to 12 years.

It should be interesting to see what the coroner announces as the cause of death. Jackson was a former high school running back with no known medical problems ... so it seems that the fail-safe excuse of "excited delirium" won't fit in this case.

Several deputies were placed on paid administrative leave.

Please let this blog know if you learn of any additional information regarding this taser-related killing.


  1. This isn't a tazer death, but my best friend in news covered this story.

    3 y/o tazered in Orlando FL.


  2. Amani - I apologize for my delay in expressing my appreciation to you for sharing this link. I hadn't heard of this case until your comment.

  3. All - The deputies involved in the taser-killing of Stanley Jackson have been cleared of any wrongdoing.


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