November 21, 2010

The BDPA Insider - November 21, 2010

The BDPA Insider – November 21, 2010

What better way to start the day than with your weekly message from BDPA!

In this issue:

  1. 2011 BDPA Chicago Awards Banquet Video
  2. BDPA Chapters on Twitter 
  3. BDPA Charlotte Chapter Supports eMentor Program at Garinger New Technology High School
  4. BETF Scholarship Winners (2009-2010) 
  5. Buy a Book Once. Read It Everywhere 
  6. Can BDPA Expand SITES Program to Elementary School Students With Tech Corps?
  7. Computer Science Education Week
  8. IT Management: Non-Certified Technology Skills: the Top 25 Right Now 
  9. ITSMF: Executive Protege Program
  10. Mastering the technology of the Mind
  11. Not Just For Kids: Facebook For Grown Folks
  12. Summer Program for High School Students: Science and Engineering Apprenticeship with US Navy 
  13. Why Have You Been Out of Work So Long?
Much love to National BDPA past president Milt Haynes for pulling this information together every week.  

Kudos to the following websites for providing the articles used in this week's BDPA Insider: BDPA Foundation, Blacks Gone Geek, CSEdWeek, eWeek,, The Ladders, Where Are The Blacks in Technology and YouTube.

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