May 21, 2011

Taser Death: Allen Kephart (San Bernadino County, CA)

It happened again! Another young man dead as a result of over-aggressive taser use by law enforcement. 43-year old Allen Kephart died after being tased about eight times by San Bernadino Sheriff’s deputies at a Crestline gas station.

Kephart ran through a stop sign.  The cops contend that Mr. Kephart became combative after a traffic stop, thus justifying the taser-killing. But Kephart’s father – himself a volunteer member of the Sheriff’s Rangers – describes his son as peaceful, hard working, church-going soul.

It is hard to see how this isn't another situation of excessive use of force. Can any villager truly claim that this was a reasonable use of force given the totality of the circumstances, including the severity of the alleged crime, the threat to public safety and the resistance of the subject.


  1. 1. Did Kephart resist?

    2. What was the nature of his resistance?

    3. How many officers weer on the scene?

    4. Do you know if the officer tried to talk to him?

    5. How big was the officer?

    6. How big was Kephart?

    7. How do you know the officer was over-aggressive?

    Start with these and you minght start getting some answers... from the story pinted here, we have nothing but your pre-disposed outcome.

  2. Just saw this blog post on the Internet about this case.


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