October 4, 2011

Gov. Chris Christie Announces That He's Available for Vice-Presidency

I see that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie announced AGAIN that he will not be running for president in 2012. Christie, 49, has said for months that he would not seek the Republican nomination to run against President Barack Obama next year, saying he is not ready.

Maybe people ought to take him at his word.

I understand that Republican Party donors (like Karl Rove) and party activists were putting a full-court press on Christie (known to some as Gov. Krispy Kreme) to reconsider his decision. However, Christie saw what happened to another governor ... Rick Perry ... when he was unprepared for big-time presidential politics. The lesson learned from Perry is that you shouldn't try to do what you're not prepared to do. You'll only embarrass yourself (NOTE: Sarah Palin is another example!).

I suspect that the next call-to-action for Christie will be answering questions about the vice-presidency. I wonder if he wants to be on the ticket with Mitt Romney?  Christie said that he wouldn't be interested ... but, methinks that Christie has said that he didn't want dessert a few times and then later changed his mindSo, why don't we think he can change his mind on the vice-presidency?

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