January 25, 2012

GOP Wingnuts Gone Wild: Jan Brewer and Mark Oxner

It looks like the dog whistles that GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has been blowing are having their effect. Arizona governor Jan Brewer appears to have lost her mind while welcoming the President of the United States.
The level of disrespect by the Republican Party during the past three years of the Obama presidency is unprecedented. And Jan Brewer wasn't the only one demonstrating a lack of respect to President Obama.

Congressional candidate Mark Oxner thought it would be a good idea to share a political advertisement in which our nation's first African American president is shown on a slave ship. Are Republicans so disrespectful of Black people in this nation that they don't see where shyt like this is NOT funny?

I usually remind people that it's never a good idea to use Adolph Hitler as a comparison for anybody at anytime. I guess I'll need to also note that it is never a good idea to show a Black man on a slave ship. Who knew that an educated adult human being wouldn't know that unwritten rule of common decency?


  1. I swear man, Mr. President is one very cool dude under pressure! Because she is way to close all up in his face! I know what my reaction would have been! SMH, But maybe the picture is misleading and she is really happy to see him.......
    Naw! You are exactly right about the disrespect.

  2. Regina - I wonder what the Secret Service agents on the scene were thinking?

  3. The disrespect shown to the President and The First Lady really angers and disgusts me.Like you said, it's unprecedented. And it's so out in the open.

  4. Daij - Elections have consequences. We cannot afford to let President Obama lose his re-election efforts this year. We can't let these GOP wingnuts win...


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