The incident happened Thursday evening and now his family is in mourning and searching for answers. According to family members, Damon Abraham was at the police station following up on a restraining order that was filed against him. [SOURCE]
According to family members, Damon Abraham was at the police station following up on a restraining order that was filed against him, and when authorities told him he had warrants for his arrest, he took off on foot. Family members say a Baldwin Police Officer repeatedly used a taser on Abraham and hit him over the head with a baton after he ran from police.
Abraham was held at police headquarters after being tased but then began showing signs of physical distress. He was transported to Franklin Foundation Hospital and was then being moved to a Lafayette hospital when he died en route.
Louisiana State Police have been called in to investigate the death of Mr. Abraham. An officer was placed on administrative leave while the investigation takes place.
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