August 13, 2012

America's Finest: Gabby Douglas

My lasting memories of the 2012 London Olympics include gold medalist Gabby Douglas. There were other members of Team USA women's gymnastics team who went into the process hoping to become the toast of the town ... but, Gabby Douglas had other plans. Gabby earned herself 2 gold medals, in the individual all-around and team competitions, and now she is back in America.

They love her in her hometown of Virginia Beach, VA. In fact, a huge mural in her honor has already been created.

They love her in her adopted hometown of Des Moines, Iowa, where she lived with a host family while training for the Olympics. I understand that Oprah Winfrey will interview Gabby about her family's decision to let her train away from home, her mother's support and her experiences in London. That interview will air on Oprah's Next Chapter on Sunday, August 26 at 8:30pm.

They love her in Hollywood. Gabby will join First Lady Michelle Obama later tonight as guest on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

Let's be honest ... all of America loves this 16-year old 4'11" dynamo! You go Gabby!


  1. Gabby is absolutely an American icon, a newly minted American shero.

  2. Count me in among the Gabby lovers. I enjoyed watching all 5 of those young ladies win the team gold, but Gabby's smile and enthusiasm made her my favorite.

  3. Reggie / Travis - I wish her nothing but success. I hope that she has good representation!

  4. I just love this highly skilled and talented young lady. I marveled at her poise, charm and beauty on Jay Leno with the First Lady. They were both fabulous! Gabrielle and the rest of the Olympic winners worked hard and deserve the praise and recognition.

    BTW: Miss Douglass is the "flying princess" to me..I don't like comparing her to a rodent.(flying squirrel)

  5. Carolyn - Last night was the first time I've heard the back-story on the 'flying squirrel' nickname. I agree with you that it is not a good nickname. I'm going to stick with 'Gabby' as her nickname!

    I'm also glad that the nickname in favor for the full team is now 'Fierce Five'. I didn't like the use of 'Fab Five' at all!


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