October 25, 2012

Minority Technical Organizations Join Together to Improve STEM Success in Our Community

Did you know that there are more than 40 minority technical organizations (MTOs) working independent of each other on initiatives to diversify the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workforce? These groups represent a large segment of the demographics of the next generation of scientists, technologists and engineers. Unfortunately, these MTOs are unable to fully implement their mission because too often they are underfunded and are not recognized as full partners in the national STEM effort.

As a result, we are very happy to report that representatives from a number of these MTOs held a luncheon meeting in Washington DC on September 24, 2012. At the conclusion of their summit the MTOs agreed to work together to strengthen their influence on STEM development and to help each other more effectively reach mutual goals and objectives.

The organizations at this meeting included:
  1. American Association of Blacks in Energy
  2. Latino Scientists & Engineers
  3. National BDPA
  4. National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers
  5. National Organization of Minority Architects
  6. National Society of Black Engineers
  7. National Society of Black Physicists
  8. National Technical Association
  9. Society for Advance of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science
  10. Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
The MTOs agreed to work collaboratively on ways to push forward the agenda for STEM development that would positively impact on people of color. Some of the ideas that came forward were:
  • Combine expertise to support projects of mutual interests and benefit;
  • Collaborate on outreach and marketing activities;
  • Meet at least annually to discuss and select collaborative activities;
  • Pursue collaborative strategies that strengthen the MTO influence on STEM development;
  • Share their common interests and support each other's mission, purpose and activities through information exchange using various communications media;
  • Unite their voice to support STEM policies that promote diversification of STEM and to oppose policies that hinder diversification.

If you're reading this blog post ... then we would love your thoughts. Are you part of any of these MTOs? Do you have other suggestions for them to consider?


  1. As an African American educator I was thrilled to see this article. I will be sharing it with my colleagues!

  2. artypants - I appreciate you for taking time to share your comment on this blog post. So few people do nowadays. Anyhow, I imagine that these gatherings have happened in the past. My hope is that this time is different. I hope that these organizations follow-up on the initial meeting!


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