June 13, 2013

Young, Gifted and Black: Spoken Word by Obasi Davis

Obasi Davis
Family history is amazing. My great-grandfather, George W. Crockett (1883-1975) married my great-grandmother, Minnie Jenkins (1884-1983) in South Carolina back in November 1906. They both passed away before they met their great-great-grandson, Obasi Davis.

Obasi is my second cousin once removed. I'm sure that George and Minnie would be proud of this young man! He is carrying a 4.0 GPA as a high school junior in Oakland, CA. Obasi was featured in his local newspaper as a high school freshman back in 2011.

The past two years he has been sharing his inner thoughts and insights via his spoken word poetry at the annual Youth Speaks Grand Slam. He made the finals both years.

Please take a moment to check his messages in 2012 and 2013.

Much love to my young cousin! Keep letting your light shine ... and I look forward to meeting you in person one day!

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