June 2, 2008

Barack Obama Nears Finish Line

Asante sana Adrianne!


  1. That is extremely funny & made my night!!
    LOL! I guess it would be rude to send it to her huh?

  2. Regina - uhhh...yeah, that would be rude. U know that your mama taught you betta than that! (smile)...

  3. Now that the primaries are all over today how does Obama move forward. America is full of ignorant, uneducated, uncouth people like Harriet Christian disenfranchised Clinton supporter. America is extremely fickle she desires a great visionary but is hesitant in electing a man that can full fill those requirements

  4. Jazzy - When Obama began his campaign there were 9-10 opponents in the Democratic primaries. It was difficult to get his message out. Over the course of time as other candidates dropped out he was able to introduce himself to America. I think that now it is one-on-one he will have a much better chance to introduce himself. He is much more attuned to the issues of working class folks than John McCain. It will help if Team Clinton embraces Obama in those communities. I'm upbeat today...

  5. Villager I glad someone is optimistic. I was hard on the Obama phone bank campaign and the amount of garbage and pure virulent hatred spewed from some of the individuals I contacted had me rethinking if I was living in modern times. I agree that Obama will definitely have a better advantage of stretching his message now that it’s down to the final two. However, I still really hesitant to believe that America is ready for a man that self –identifies as black to lead the Nation. He’s got my vote but I’m not sure if I’m ready to set myself up for heartbreak because the vast amount of America remains shrouded in ignorance

  6. Jazzy - We've never had this opportunity for heartbreak. That is progress to experience a *new* disappointment. He overcame the most powerful brand name in Democratic Party to get the nomination. I actually think it will be easier to get a win in the general election. 80% of America thinks we're on the wrong track. Money trumps prejudice...

  7. @Villager
    "Money trumps prejudice..."

    LOL point taken

  8. I love this!

    I am so looking forward to tonight, both her speech and Barack's...a moment in time, indeed!

    Off topic, I've changed my domain name, Villager...how do I go about updating this within the AfroSpear? Thanks for your help...


  10. Friend –

    I’m about to take the stage in St. Paul and announce that we have won the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.

    It’s been a long journey, and we should all pause to thank Hillary Clinton, who made history in this campaign. Our party and our country are better off because of her.

    I want to make sure you understand what’s ahead of us. Earlier tonight, John McCain outlined a vision of America that’s very different from ours — a vision that continues the disastrous policies of George W. Bush.

    But this is our moment. This is our time. Our time to turn the page on the policies of the past and bring new energy and new ideas to the challenges we face. Our time to offer a new direction for the country we love.

    It’s going to take hard work, but thanks to you and millions of other donors and volunteers, no one has ever been more prepared for such a challenge.

    Thank you for everything you’ve done to get us here. Let’s keep making history.


  11. Marvalus - His speech lived up to our expectations. Her speech was very disappointing. re: domain name change ... just send me or Plez an email with the corrected domain and it will be changed immediately.

    Mrs. Grapevine - It feels so good this morning to see the headlines. Next step...Denver!

    Ed - Thank you for sharing that part of his speech. I found myself just smilin' throughout the night as the super-delegates moved into Obama's column and he hit the 2118 number. What a wonderful evening...


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