June 2, 2008

Bill Clinton Indicates 'Last Day' of Campaign

Bill Clinton offers the first indication that Team Clinton is ready to call it quits.

"I want to say also, that this may be the last day I'm ever involved in a campaign of this kind," the former president said at a town hall at the Milbank Visitor Center.

The writing is on the wall for everyone to see at this point. Barack Obama is only 41.5 delegates away from reaching the magic number of 2118. Hillary is over 158 delegates behind Obama at the time of this writing.

Bill Clinton words and body language concedes that Team Clinton is out of steam.

"I thought I was out of politics, 'til Hillary decided to run," he said. "But it has been, one of the greatest honors of my life to go around and campaign for her for president."

I anticipate that Obama will be in position to have the confetti flying in victory on Tuesday night during his victory speech in Minnesota. Ideally, Hillary Clinton will finally concede the nomination during her scheduled speech on Wednesday in New York. That is my hope anyhow.

How do you think that this thing will finally wrap up?


  1. Good, cause I've had more than enough of him for a freakin life time.

    Maybe he can go spend his time figuring out "what the meaning of is, is"; or getting un-disbarred from law practice.

  2. Rumor has it that Hillary will be conceding tomorrow. We'll see, this should be interesting IF it happens...

  3. Yobachi - I think that you will see him again. One thing that can never be taken away from him is that he is the only living two-term Democratic president. He is larger-than-life in many ways ... and it would be helpful if he was actively campaigning on behalf of Obama leading up to the general election...

    Regina - I hope so. It would be nice to see the nomination process over once and forever...

  4. Personally, I think these are really "words just words". I won't believe that she will really concede until 2016 if Obama wins in November or 2012 if its McCain. Wish I could be more optimistic about the motives here - but I am very fearfull that there is yet another shoe left for Team Clinton to drop.

  5. @ SJP - I hear you! That is why I said IF! Ever watch a scary movie when the killer dies and everyone applauds BUT you know the killer will pop up again all mangled, limping and bloody just to kill the so called survivor??

    @ Villager - I don't know about that campaigning for Obama idea, at this point I think team Clinton has done far too much damage to blacks AND to the democratic party to now turn and try to EFFECTIVELY campaign for Obama. but I do agree that Bill will be lurking around somewhere doing ... something.

  6. Sojourner - I'm in a hopeful mood today as it appears Obama goes over the top. I'm sharing my positive vibes in the hopes they reach Team Clinton...

    Regina - Bill & Hillary have true fans within the Democratic Party. Let them loose in those communities to campaign for Obama. Bill also has a great roladex that needs to be opened up in favor of Obama...

  7. i predict that they will split the south dakota & montana primaries, almost forcing Obama's hand in offering Clinton the #2 spot on the ticket... and bill gets to return to washington.

    i'll also add, that i don't trust the Clintons with hillary being only "a heartbeat away from the Presidency"... that prospect will probably end up being too tempting for bill & hillary, much to the detriment of the US and the Obama family and Black folk, everywhere!

  8. Plez - I missed HRC concession speech today (...time conflicted with young 'un little league game...). I understand she did a good job. I still don't want her in the VP slot (smile)...


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