June 8, 2008

Villager on Facebook

I resisted the constant pressure to join Facebook for many years. However, last month I joined Facebook as part of effort to promote the BDPA Foundation. I have been pleasantly surprised by the usefulness of this social network.

I have made connections with AfroSpear members, bloggers, high school friends, college friends, BDPA colleagues and others. However, I haven't found many relatives online yet.
Here are some Facebook groups that villagers might be interested in checking out:

  1. Afrosphere Bloggers Association - (visit ABA website)
  2. Black Data Processing Associates (BDPA)
  3. Blackonomics Million Dollar Club - (see BMDC overview)
  4. Blacks Gone Geek - (visit BGG blog)
  5. Black Women's Political Exchange - (see backstory)
  6. Call on Fox News to Fire Liz Trotta - (see weak apology from Liz Trotta)
I invite you to connect with me on Facebook. Mostly, I would be very interested to learn about your experience with Facebook? Positive? Negative? Or are you simply refusing to check out Facebook at all?


  1. In all honesty, I have never thought about Facebook.

    I read some articles about how difficult it is to close out an account on Facebook. Also I remember there being questions about personal security etc.

    Since Ohio has made it their business to monitor teachers with accounts on line, I tend to keep it limited.

    But, after reading your article, it seems that checking out Facebook a second time may be in order.

  2. This is a coincidence - I too have just become a member. I seen nearly every member of my family on board and thought if you can not beat them - join them. Still learning the ropes, but enjoying the whole scenario.

  3. Lady D - One of my colleagues kept pounding on me about the need to check out Facebook. Finally, I did so in effort to increase awareness of my non-profit. That led to my learning that Facebook wasn't just for kids. For what it's worth, I now recommend it for folks...

    RacyKacy - Perhaps we will get connected on Facebook in the near future...

  4. I resisted Facebook for a couple of years, but finally gave in last year and I love it. I keep up with all my friends all over the world with it.

    I do get sick of all the 3rd party applications though. I do NOT need another "wall"!

  5. Los Angelista - I agree ... FB can be overwhelming if you try to deal with all the 3rd party applications. I went a little crazy last weekend when the Lakers got into the NBA Finals and added a 3rd party application for them. I will remove it once the Finals are over (smile)...

  6. Does Facebook have a widget you can put on your page?

    I'll start beefing up the Facebook setup once I finish my resume profile on Linkedin.

  7. Martin - I'm not aware of any Facebook widgets that you can use on your blog. Perhaps others reading your comment can provide more insight.

    Do you have FB account?


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