August 28, 2008

1,400th Blog Added to Villager's Black Blog Rankings

Our tradition is to highlight every 100th blog added to the Villager's Black Blog Rankings (BBR). In the past we shared links to the 800th, 900th, 1000th, 1100th and 1200th blogs added to the BBR.

Today, we are pleased to announce that Reverend Lutionary is the 1,400th blog added to the BBR. Pastor Wilson provides spriritual guidance at the Friends 4 Life Covenant Church in south suburban Flossmoor Illinois. He calls himself a Pastor, Apologetic, Social Ethicist, Life Coach, Sophisticated Theologian and Thoughtful Homiletician. He seeks to transform lives with the approach of Power vs. Performance.

I encourage all villagers to take a moment to visit the Reverend Lutionary blog (BBR #1400). You can follow him on Twitter as well!


  1. RDawg - Your commentary on 45th anniversary of MLK's speech is remarkable! Thanx for sharing the link with us...

  2. 1400! Thanks for all your hard work in keeping account of us. Do you know of a digg clone for sharing news about the us? Most black bloggers are not writing daily about apple,wordpress an photoshop so it would be nice if there were an alternative for sharing our perspectives.

  3. Lionel - I don't know what a "Digg clone" is ... so I can't answer that question.

    Twanna - Yeah, it is pretty remarkable. I started off with 75 blogs last September and to think we are now up to over 1400 is not something that I would have predicted...

  4. Thanks for honoring and lifting up my blog--It is greatly appreciated!

  5. Reverend Lutionary - You're the one doing the work! As an aside, you should consider claiming your blog on Technorati ( Just a thought...


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