September 18, 2008

Sarah Palin Supports Alaska Independence Party

I don't know if Sarah Palin was a member of the Alaska Independence Party. I do know that she and her husband seem real cozy with this crew. Check out this video:

Villagers, we need to take a close look at any political candidate that would support the Alaska Independence Party (AIP) founded by a man who said, "I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions." The same man, AIP founder Joe Vogler, also said, "[T]he fires of Hell are glaciers compared to my hate for the American government."

John McCain likes to claim that Republicans are the 'Party of Abraham Lincoln' ... yet, he placed a woman on his ticket who associates with a group that wants to secede from the Union. Ain't that what President Lincoln fought against with all of his heart and soul?

Finally, villagers, it is worth noting that Sarah Palin made time to greet the folks at this AIP conference, however, she couldn't find time to support or greet the folks at the Alaska Juneteenth celebration earlier this year. She finds time for white extremists, however, she can't find time for celebration of a Black cultural holiday. What does that say about her thoughts on diversity and equal opportunity for people of color in our nation?


  1. she is a distraction, why folks talking about here when as they say, its the economy ?

  2. RDawg - I feel ya. However, I share information that comes across my desk with 'villagers' that may not be widely known from the MSM. Anyhow, I appreciate your willingness to read and comment on what we offer...

  3. Okay, so you already know that this is crap, right? Her husband was a member (alleged), but Palin has been a carded member of the Republicans for years/decades, even.

    Don't let the truth stand in your way, however...

  4. Leigh - If Obama's spouse was a member of a separatist organization it would be all over the front page. Palin's spouse is a member (alleged) of such an organization and there isn't a peep. That tells us both something about the double standard in America for this white woman ... don't you agree?


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