September 18, 2008

Education Accomplishments of Obama, Biden, McCain and Palin

Villagers, how often have we been told about the importance of education. Education is always a part of any resume used in hiring decisions. Perhaps we should examine the education resume for the four people asking us to hire them to be President and Vice-President.

Barack Obama

  • Occidental College - Two years
  • Columbia University - B.A. Political science with a specialization in international relations.
  • Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude

Joe Biden

  • University of Delaware - B.A. History
  • University of Delaware - B.A. Political Science
  • Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.)

John McCain

  • United States Naval Academy - Class rank 894 of 899

Sarah Palin

  • Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester
  • North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study
  • University of Idaho - 2 semesters - journalism
  • Matanuska-Susitna College - 1 semester
  • University of Idaho - 3 semesters - B.A. Journalism

What say u? If this is your company, which team would you hire?


  1. Journalism and Military Science vs. Poli Sci/International " Relations, History, and Law.
    Oh, and let's give McCain "internship credit" for serving in the military for X number of yrs.

    Well now...all of the speeches on the stump make alot sense to me now. McCain keeps talking National Security & Defense - that's his background. Palin keeps playing the media, saying how she doesn't care about currying their favor, all the while smiling for the flashing lights, letting her non-answer-questions/no-vetting by anyone self steal all of the media time - afterall, she does have the media education and experience (a sportscaster, too, wasn't she?)

    Meanwhile, the 2 lawyers with degrees in poli sci have been talking POLICY, POLICY, POLICY, with some diplomacy and historical context for good measure -- that makes sense to me, too.

    I guess who you favor depends not only their "education" achievements, but what you want to happen with the position you're trying to fill.

  2. As a graduate of SU, I like that Biden went there and Palin's flighty ed track coupled with mcCain's obviously low standing at the NAVAL Academy makes me feel very uncertain about their educational foundation BUT I wish it could go beyond my mere feelings on the matter.

    Perhaps our feelings are way too much the basis of our decision making on matters of such importance.

    Fact is as much as we claim education to be crucial, the people at the helm have for the most part (Bush obviously NOT)been Ivy League educated and where has that gotten us? So strictly on the basis of education, I'd rather take my feelings out of it.

    Buy I sure do FEEL damn proud of Barack Obama.

  3. DN Lee - Yes, Palin was a part-time sportscaster. In fact, her daughter, Bristol, is named after the city where SportsCenter is located. Sarah Palin wanted to be a SportsCenter broadcaster when she was younger.

    7 Steps - Feelings are important in the election process ... which is why Barack Obama needs to worry. Many white people in America have race-based feelings that make it hard for them to vote for a Black man to become POTUS. 'Bradley Effect' in full effect...

  4. Yeah, as another graduate of SU here, I gotta say, it really IS good to see SU represented up there while the Republican candidates seem to lack in college ed. Don't get me wrong: one can get educated and learn other ways, but I honestly believe the President of the US needs to be held to a much higher standard.

  5. I think it's pretty obvious that the Seaman flunkee and the ESPN intern are the most qualified. Open and shut case.

    *crickets chirping*

    On the real, McCain and Palin are operating behind a political machine who has brilliantly diverted attention away from any of the educational facts you cited. Somehow, they've been able to convince people that education is somehow a bad thing (i.e. "elitist") and is disconnected from the "average American voter." Frankly, I think it's a great strategy. It's unfortunate that many Americans will fall for it. But it's smart nonetheless.

  6. Jose - Didn't realize that I had so many SU grads reading my blog (smile). I didn't realize that McCain did so poorly in comparison to his mates at the US Naval Academy...

    Unmitigated Word - The differences are so stark ... I hope that American voters don't fall for the McCain-Palin okey-doke....

  7. WOW!
    I had no idea! I agree with dnlee, the speeches make a lot more sense now! I actually assumed more of McCain.
    Obama/Biden is certainly the better educated ticket...

  8. Regina - At least McCain graduated. I imagine that there were many that failed or quit before graduation. Being at such a low point in his graduating class must be embarrassing ... but, I give him credit for graduating...

  9. And they don't believe a black man has to be twice as good

  10. Sheree - Actually, I wish that the Black community still operated on that ol' school saying, "we have to be twice as good to get half as far". That forced us to strive for excellence in education and elsewhere...

  11. omg this should be on the ballot. for real


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