September 19, 2008

Every Day is Father's Day

Drumbeats from Springer's Journal pointed us to this video that honors fatherhood.

I am working hard to be the best father that I can be for my three young 'uns. Last month I shared with you a pledge for fathers. My father passed last year. My prayer is that he will continue to look down on me and be pleased with what he sees.

Many villagers do the right thing without comment or recognition. Some of us need to be reminded of life's priorities. We get our minds turned in many different directions and sometimes just need to be reminded about the importance of fatherhood.

Every day is father's day!


  1. I absolutely LOVE this commercial! Whenever I see it I feel proud! It lets me know that there are Fathers out there who take their PRIMARY job very seriously!
    I applaud all Fathers who are "Doing The Darn Thing"!!
    Kicking butt and taking no prisoners where their kids are concerned!

  2. I saw this on The View, and I almost cried. There are men out there, that put family first and they don't always get credit. This video needs more coverage, because it inspires men to do better, instead of knocking them down... LOVE IT

  3. Regina & Mrs. Grapevine - Asante sana for the kind words. I hope that this post inspires some brothers out there as well...

  4. I saw this one night while watching television, and immediately went to find it to post on my own is a message that we need to see over and over again!


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