November 17, 2008

The Old Man and the Marine

One sunny day in January 2009 an old man approached the White House from across Pennsylvania Avenue, where he'd been sitting on a park bench. He spoke to the U.S. Marine standing guard and said, "I would like to go in and meet with President Bush."

The Marine looked at the man and said, "Sir, Mr. Bush is no longer president and no longer resides here." The old man said, "Okay", and walked away.

The following day, the same man approached the White House and said to the same Marine, "I would like to go in and meet with President Bush." The Marine again told the man, "Sir, as I said yesterday, Mr. Bush is no longer president and no longer resides here." The man thanked him and, again, just walked away.

The third day, the same man approached the White House and spoke to the very same U.S. Marine, saying "I would like to go in and meet with President Bush." The Marine, understandably agitated at this point, looked at the man and said, "Sir, this is the third day in a row you have been here asking to speak to Mr. Bush. I've told you already that Mr. Bush is no longer the president and no longer resides here. Don't you understand?"

The old man looked at the Marine and said, "Oh, I understand. I just love hearing it." The Marine snapped to attention, saluted, and said, "See you tomorrow, Sir."


  1. That old man was me.

  2. Seen the joke before and it still made me laugh. Such a lovely, lovely thought.

  3. Keith, Jackie and Jamie - Oddly enough this same joke made the rounds in 2000 when GW Bush won the presidency and replaced Bill Clinton. It that iteration the old man is asking to see Pres. Clinton...

  4. Thank you for making my day...



  5. Mike, Dazjae, Sojourner & Charlie - I'm glad that you enjoyed this post! Feel free to share it with others on your blog or in the RW...

  6. hello villager!

    lolol, that story is good!
    thanks for sharing.

    "see you tommorrow"

  7. WisdomTeachesMe - Hotep! I think a whole lot of Americans can appreciate the sentiments of both the old man and the marine in this one!


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