November 17, 2008

This Week in Blackness: Black, Black, Blackity Black

We continue to enjoy promoting the comedy video series known as This Week in Blackness by Elon James White. Sit back and enjoy his satirical romp through the Black culture here in America.

Villagers, what is your take on Elon James White comedy sensibilities? What is your favorite episode of the 13 that currently exist?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Villager.

    This guy is really bordering on comedy genius. Won't be long before he really ought to be on Comedy Central or somewhere with an even higher profile. The boy is good, and what makes his comedy good, as with most of the best comics - Carlin, Pryor, Chapelle, Cosby,Lenny Bruce etc. - is their ability to insert really deep insight into some very powerful and witty one-two punch lines.

    Yeah, the guy is real. And I'm glad you're hypin him.


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