April 14, 2010

2nd Annual Ohio Civil Rights Hall of Fame

The Ohio Civil Rights Commission, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, Wright State University and Honda of America Mfg., Inc., will sponsor the 2nd Annual Ohio Civil Rights Hall of Fame event on October 14, 2010 in the Ohio Statehouse.

I encourage all villagers in Ohio to participate in this process by downloading the nomination packet for the 2nd Annual Ohio Civil Rights Hall of Fame. Villagers and other community leaders of Ohio are encouraged to to submit the nomination of a person in your community who has served as a leader by advancing the goals of civil rights in the State of Ohio. Click here to see the nomination criteria and guidelines.

All nominations must be submitted by May 31, 2010.

Check out the inductees from last year’s event to get an idea of the calibre of Civil Rights Hall of Famers we have in Ohio.

For questions or additional information regarding this event please contact Brandi Klein Martin at (614) 644-0244.

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