April 13, 2010

Tune In Tuesday: Stacy Lattisaw

Stacy Lattisaw had a strong run of R&B hits in the 1980s. She stopped making records in 1989. One of her most popular hits was 'I Found Love on a Two-Way Street'.

Of course, the song that first brought her to my attention amazed me because it turned out that she was a young teenager at the time. Her voice was so strong that she was soon the opening act for Michael Jackson. Are any of you ol' school enough to remember, 'Let Me Be Your Angel'?

Feel free to use the COMMENTS section (click on 'village voices') to share your memories of Stacy Lattisaw or to suggest other artists that I should feature in future Tune In Tuesday blog posts.


  1. I remember this tune. It came right right after the other one, "Two of Hearts," which I'd found not so good.

    I liked this one.

  2. I loved her music, and my parents still have one of her albums. Thanks for this memory of simpler times, especially since I've been very nostalgic for childhood these last couple weeks.

  3. Rethabile - I only enjoyed a few of her songs when she first got started. It seemed odd to hear a young teenager singing with such a mature voice.

    Ajuan - Albums? It's been a gazillion years since I've listened to an actual album! Do you have a turntable in your house?


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