August 30, 2010

Florida Racist Gets 10-Year Sentence for Hate Crime Against Nekedia Cato

It is nice to see the criminal justice system working in favor of the Black community. This blog told you about Thomas Cosby a couple of years ago. He is the white racist who ran his car into (then) 25-year old Nekedia Cato while she was riding her bicycle. Cosby was heard to shout the N-word and other racial slurs at her after the attack.

Cato, 27, suffered a broken leg and several internal injuries from the incident and spent months in rehabilitation.

Cosby was sentenced to 10 years in prison after being convicted of a hate crime. He was earlier convicted of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and battery evidencing prejudice. He had faced up to 35 years in prison.

Hats off to the criminal justice system in this case!

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