June 5, 2008

Hillary Clinton Concedes Nomination (Honestly!)

My dream scenario had Hillary Clinton conceding the nomination back in February.

I was wrong.

She stuck it out through the end of the primary contests. However ... finally ... Hillary Clinton will open her eyes to the obvious ... she lost ... and she can now close down her effort to earn the keys to the White House.

She will shut things down on Saturday. Her aides indicate that she will express support (...that is Clintonese for endorse...) Barack Obama at a party unity event in Washington DC on that day.

Personally, I look for her to concede defeat, congratulate Obama and hold his hand up in the traditional victory salute. It took a ton of bricks, such as Charlie Rangel and others to get Clinton to see through her delusions of grandeur. But, in the end, it appears that commonsense will prevail.

I also like the way that Barack Obama responded in his cool, calm and collected manner about all of the speculation surrounding his vice presidential selection. He announced a 3-person search committee for a vice-presidential nominee. Carolyn Kennedy (JFK's daughter), Jim Johnson and Eric Holder (President Clinton's deputy attorney general) are both on the search committee. Obama made it clear how he plans to run his operation with data, facts and good vetting ... not with emotion, pressure and bully tactics.

Hillary Clinton moves closer to being a footnote in history. It's about time!


  1. Its taken way to long, but I think its finally over, even if she just suspends her campaign

  2. Sparky - I would feel better if she released her delegates ... but, I guess with Hillary it is a slow and painful process to get to party unity...

  3. I really think Hillary's plan is to force Obama to pick her as a running mate. This is the ONLY way Obama can win after she so strongly divided the party across racial/gender lines.

  4. I'm glad she's gone. Its about time...hopefully he doesn't look to her as VP....

  5. Hillary is a sore loser - that is so not becoming -

  6. Villager - you know me, I'll believe it in November!

    I am happy that Barack is letting folks know that he'll make his own decisions and that he won't be railroaded no matter how many delegates she's got. I'm particularly proud of how it was "floated out there" that EVERYONE he's considering will have to pass a "background check" including their spouses. Unless Bill is willing to release the library donation file - that takes Hillary right out of contention. This move I call brilliant!


  7. Hey villager!
    I love this line...
    "Personally, I look for her to concede defeat, congratulate Obama and hold his hand up in the traditional victory salute."
    This is also what I would love to see...Do you think it will happen?

    Hills is a very sore loser, and I bet she will be home laughing & talking junk about the delegates who still wont embrace Obama!

  8. All - The key for Obama is to identify other VP candidates that are worthy. I guess we will need to begin to identify potential VP candidates (sans Hillary) to discuss it ...

    Sojournaer - I agree with you that the proof is in the pudding and the pudding doesn't come out until November! However, in the meantime, I'm loving the chess moves that Obama is making with his every move...

    Regina - Hillary can laugh all she wants about Obama delegates as long as she is home and not on the ticket!

  9. Hotep Villager!

    I am glad to know that her friends and associates finally stepped in and made her deal with reality.

    It was due time for her to accept the fact that she was not going to be the nominee for the DP.

    I am not for her being the VP on the ticket. She has got too much junk in her trunk.

    After all this time it seems that people who have not done any work on Obama 08 during the stump don't realize that the ground crews are already at work again.

    I hope that people who want to see Barack take the leadership of this nation put some time into helping that effort.

    And I do not necessarily feel that Hillary is solely to blame for the divisions of the party.

    There are a lot of Dems who are racist and sexist. This is a matter of fact that has been demostrated over the course of the stump.

    Including her on the ticket as the number two holder isn't going insure victory. There are supporters in her camp who wanted all or nothing at all! So they will probably vote for Flipper anyhow.

    We'll have to see how she conducts her business towards Obama now that things have come to an end.

  10. I'll believe it when I see it. She's not going into the night quietly and will be the Democrat's nightmare by the end of the summer and on Nov 4th. You just watch.

    I think she'll switch parties and run as McCain's VP. For those of you who haven't read about this plausible scenario, check out my most June 4th article in my blog.

  11. Lady D - You have given some good analysis of the situation. There were definitely others that played the race card during the Democratic primary. But, that was then ... now is the time for Obama supporters to re-double our efforts to get this brother elected. Hillary is a footnote in history (IMO)...

    KIT - Feel free to leave links to your blog posts in future. I'll head over to read what you had to say on the topic. I don't see Hillary being VP for McCain. Her ego cannot stand being 2nd-slot to either McCain or Obama. She wants it all or nothing. I want all of her punk-a$$ surrogates to pay homage to the nominee ... McAulliffe, Wolfson, and all the rest...

  12. I have nothing but nastiness on the brain for this woman right now so I shall abstain.

    But I'm glad to see that you put up Gael!!

  13. I don't think too much of her concession. Sure, it's better to do the right thing but she's only doing it because she was being forced by Rangel and others. I'll never forget how she let us all know she's still waiting for something to happen to him so whether she concedes or not, I know what's up as far she goes.

    I loved how Obama said that until the press hears something else directly from him about a VP, as in an announcement that he's chosen someone, all rumor, gossip and speculation should be ignored. He came across as so decisive and smart with that sort of response. He's pretty clear that he's not gonna play the usual games and I absolutely love that!

  14. I just wonder what she would have done if Charlie Rangle and co. hadn't had that intervention to get her to stop. How long would she have gone on? She really had a hard time grasping that this is happening. Seriously, she may need some therapy. I hope she will be ok. Maybe getting back out there for Barack will help. Best wishes Hill.

  15. Shelia - Let go the nastiness. Methinks that Barack has us covered on the Hillary-front...

    Los Angelista - Hillary was in denial at the beginning of the week. I think she is beginning to understand that it is no longer a Clinton world. Barack's campaign proved that it is very disciplined and on message ... so I think he will handle this VP search just fine...

    Jackie - I agree that Hillary may need therapy (smile), fortunately she has time and money to afford it!

  16. Got to agree with you on the chess analogy...he's playing a brilliant game...just took out the Queen! Brilliant! Simply Brilliant!



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