September 9, 2010

2010 Black Weblog Award Winners

I've been blogging since 2007.  For a couple of years I posted a monthly update known as Villager's Black Blog Rankings.  There were 1,766 blogs included in the last published Black Blog Rankings. As such, it is truly an honor to win a Black Weblog Award.

Black Weblog Award founder Maurice Cherry did a remarkable job in growing this idea. Over 27,000 votes were cast in the contest this year. Without further ado ... enjoy the full list of 2010 Black Weblog Award Winners!

Blog of the Year
Popular Vote: Miss Jia
Judges’ Vote: O Hell Nawl

Blog to Watch
Popular Vote: Angry Black Lady Chronicles
Judges’ Vote: The Gentlemen’s Standard

Best Blog Design
Popular Vote: The Young, Black, and Fabulous
Judges’ Vote: Mostbeautifullest

Best Blog Network
Popular Vote: Global Grind Network
Judges’ Vote: theFreshXpress Blog Network

Best Blog Post Series
Popular Vote: “I Love Black Men” on Black ‘n Bougie
Judges’ Vote: “Michael Jackson and the Five Stages of Grief” on What Would Thembi Do?

Best Business Blog
Popular Vote: Young, Fabulous & Self-Employed
Judges’ Vote: kiss my black ads

Best Cooking or Food Blog
Popular Vote: Yes, Divas Can Cook
Judges’ Vote: My Life Runs on Food

Best Culture Blog
Popular Vote: Black Girl with Long Hair
Judges’ Vote: Socialtik Mag

Best Faith-Based Blog
Popular Vote: The Old Black Church!
Judges’ Vote: The Secular Parent

Best Fashion or Beauty Blog
Popular & Judges' Vote: Afrobella

Best Film Blog
Popular Vote: Black Box Office
Judges’ Vote: Shadow and Act

Best Gaming or Comics Blog
Popular Vote: Black Nerd Comedy
Judges’ Vote: Black Comix

Best Gossip Blog
Popular Vote: The Young, Black, and Fabulous
Judges’ Vote: Necole Bitchie

Best Group Blog
Popular & Judges' Vote: Very Smart Brothas

Best Health or Wellness Blog
Popular & Judges' Vote: A Black Girl’s Guide to Weight Loss

Best Hip-Hop Blog
Popular Vote: AllHipHop
Judges’ Vote: Hip Hop Blog

Best Humor Blog
Popular Vote: O Hell Nawl
Judges’ Vote: Very Smart Brothas

Best International Blog
Popular & Judges' Vote: Catch a Vibe

Best LGBT Blog
Popular Vote: The Skorpion Show
Judges’ Vote: TransGriot

Best Microblog
Popular Vote: Sister Toldja
Judges’ Vote: The Smithian

Best Music Blog
Popular & Judges' Vote: SoulBounce

Best New Blog
Popular & Judges' Vote: The Dithering of a District Diva

Best Parenting or Family Blog
Popular Vote: Black and Married with Kids
Judges’ Vote: African American Dad

Best Personal Blog
Popular Vote (tie): A Belle in Brooklyn *and* Until I Get Married
Judges’ Vote: Sassy Wife Chronicles

Best Photography Blog
Popular Vote: My Damn Blog
Judges’ Vote: Chookooloonks

Best Podcast Series
Popular Vote: HBCU Digest Radio
Judges’ Vote: Friday Favecast

Best Political or News Blog
Popular Vote: The Urban Politico
Judges’ Vote: Black Snob

Best Science or Technology Blog
Popular & Judges' Vote: Black Web 2.0

Best Sex or Relationships Blog
Popular Vote: Until I Get Married
Judges’ Vote: The Relationship Playbook

Best Sports Blog
Popular Vote: Hardwood Diva
Judges’ Vote: Black Sports Online

Best Teen Blog
Popular Vote: Teen Savvy
Judges’ Vote: DamierDesigns MMX

Best Travel Blog
Popular Vote: Black in Cairo
Judges’ Vote: Jay Travels

Best Video Blog Series
Popular Vote: The Skorpion Show
Judges’ Vote: Ill Doctrine

Best Writing in a Blog
Popular Vote: Until I Get Married
Judges’ Vote: Uptown Notes

And the winner of the Aaron Hawkins Award is… Earl Dunovant!  Dunovant is a web developer and political activist who has blogged at Prometheus 6 since January 2004. Dunovant is also a member of the Media Bloggers Association, has attended presidential debates as a credentialed blogger, and has been featured on NPR as part of News and Notes‘ Bloggers Roundtable.

Please take advantage of the above links to experience the talent and energy that made these folks winners of 2010 Black Weblog Awards.    I can tell you right now that THIS BLOG intends to compete hard to be in the running for a BWA next year!!

Do you see your favorite blog on the list above?


  1. Yep TransGriot in the Judges Award for 'Best LGBT Blog' ;)

  2. Monica - I truly appreciate your patience, persistence and passion as a blogger. You definitely earned this recognition. Congratulations!

  3. and you as well for everything you've done to help promote get the word out about our blogs


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