December 10, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Barack Obama Gets His Just Deserts

NOTE: I spelled it right!


SjP said...

No "double esses here"! Great pics! Makes me want a cone, too!

Durward Discussion said...

Want to make sure you don't miss this article about the living Tuskegee Airmen invited to the Obama innaugural.

DNLee said...

Happy WW

June said...

He doesn't have to worry about it putting on weight, that's for sure!

Christina Springer said...

Wait, I thought he liked pie the best.

Anonymous said...

Happy WW

Unknown said...

All - Thank you for sharing your village voice on my WW-meme entry this week!

Jamie - I'm proud of Obama for thinking about the Tuskegee Airmen. Thank you for sharing that link with us...

msladyDeborah said...

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

Okay, I had a Cosby flash back moment.

Great shot! It has inspired me to head to the fridge and get out my pint of ice cream.