Danielle Vyas, author of Modern Musings has named the Electronic Village as one of her favorite blogs in a meme named Blog it Forward. Danielle is an Original Villager in that she was one of the first to discover our blog last year. She is an activist in the pure sense of the word and I encourage all villagers to check her blog out today if you can.
This Blog It Forward meme appears to have been created in October 2003 by Buzz over at the Buzzstop blog. The meme rules are simple: 'pick someone off of your blogroll (or bloglines, linklist, bloglink) and post a little something about them on your site. Tell us why they are on your list. What makes them link-worthy? Perhaps you'd like to spotlight someone on your list that isn't getting the attention that you think they should. Maybe it's someone who has made a difference in your life. Maybe it's someone who just puts a smile on your face every day.'
Here are those that I wish to share the love with today:
This Blog It Forward meme appears to have been created in October 2003 by Buzz over at the Buzzstop blog. The meme rules are simple: 'pick someone off of your blogroll (or bloglines, linklist, bloglink) and post a little something about them on your site. Tell us why they are on your list. What makes them link-worthy? Perhaps you'd like to spotlight someone on your list that isn't getting the attention that you think they should. Maybe it's someone who has made a difference in your life. Maybe it's someone who just puts a smile on your face every day.'
Here are those that I wish to share the love with today:
- Black Political Thought (BBR #660) - Janet Shan owns & operates this blog. She seeks to be the premier blog for conservative and balanced political and social commentary. I thoroughly enjoy the detailed postings on her blog.
- Blacks Gone Geek (BBR #641) - This is a relatively new blog created by Milt Haynes. I served as national BDPA president-elect when Milt was national president. Earlier we each served as colleagues on BDPA board of directors when Milt led the BDPA Chicago chapter and I led the BDPA Cincinnati chapter. I appreciate the support Milt provided to me over the years and I'm hopeful that his blog continues to grow and evolve.
- Black Threads (BBR # 308) - This blog is owned and operated by my sister, Kyra Hicks. I credit Kyra with getting me started as a blogger. She is a published author and her blog focuses on niche of African American quilters. Any quilters or quilt-lovers out there?
- Detrick DeBurr (BBR #666) - This brother provides a weekly rant worthy of notice. He's a bit slow on the uptake as far as Hillary v. Obama ... but, Detrick is a serious entrepreneur and an up & comer in the afrosphere.
- On The Black Hand Side (BBR #246) - This is an informative, educational and entertaining blog with a growing blogger interview series called '20 Questions With...'. Vanessa Byers owns and operates this blog. She was kind enough to interview me on her blog. Perhaps you will be next?
I have been a visitor of On The Black Hand Side for a while and love the learning more about bloggers through the 20 questions. I also recently visited the others that you mentioned and found Detrick DeBurr's spot very interesting.
I just addd BPT to my roll last week. Hey u ever think about getting a widget, like blogtoplist with a ranking number, that would be col and i would ad it to the top of my page. also, how many blogs are in the ranking, ill be back or hit me with a comment on my blog on the latest post
Thanks for the mention Wayne. It is greatly appreciated. Thanks Torrance for adding my blog as well.
Regina - Detrick lives in Texas. I've been watching his evolving thoughts on Obama. I wonder if he will switch from Team Clinton to Obama in advance of the March 4th Texas primary?
All-Mi-T - Do you know where I can go to find or create such a widget?
Janet - You are the one doing the hard work. I'm glad to acknowledge it. I encourage you to Blog It Forward on your blog and share those that you enjoy as well...
Hey Villager. I have a lot of respect for you and enjoy your blog. I just checked out Detrick's blog at your recommendation and I don't see what you see. Detrick writes: "3. I'd argue that Bill Clinton is blacker than Obama on any day!!! Blackness is an experience not a skin color. Whiteness is an experience not a skin color. Blackness and Whiteness only exists in America." Our views are so diametrically opposed that I will not be visiting his site again soon. I travel internationally and black is black everywhere. And even Toni Morrison moved on from that one about Bill.
Carmen - I respect your perspective. I've known Detrick for a number of years primarily as an active entrepreneur who believes in economic empowerment for Black community. I agree that his thoughts on Obama v. Clinton are incorrect. However, his state (Texas) doesn't vote until 3/4/08 ... so I'm still hopeful that he will get his mind right before he casts his ballot...
Well Villager, if anyone can expand his thinking, I am sure you can. BTW, I have been wondering...what is the Black Blog rank of All About Race? In advance, thanks!
Carmen - All About Race is BBR #79 (out of 811)...
Thank you Villager! I learn a lot from your site.
ill chk, ok, what i would do would be to chk one out, study the code and try and reproduce it, may be a prl script
Thanks for mentioning these blogs. Very interesting indeed! I didn't know you had a sister lol! She look just like you too! I like the Black Political Thought Blog - I just added her. Very detailed and easy to follow.
I love when you mention other blogs that I mistakenly look over - I'm going to get in trouble at work trying to keep up lol. Villager - there was once a website with most if not all of the blog feeds on it. You remember what it was? I would like to just go to one website and choose which blogs to read from.
Deidra - I think you are referring to rsspect.org...
Thanks Villager. I think that's what I was referring to. There was another one too - I think it was created by a woman blogger but I forgot what that one was too lol. You should make a post again on that feed. There are some blogs that need to be added to it - or at least tell us how to make something like that because I don't have a clue lol.
I don't know how to create such a site. The owner of the site is the brother from Young Black Professional Guide blog...
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