Another domino fell today when former presidential candidate Chris Dodd endorsed Barack Obama for president. Dodd, a veteran Connecticut senator who dropped out of the campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in early January, became the first of the former candidates to make a formal endorsement.
"This is a moment of unity in our country, a time when we need to come together as a Democratic Party and to get behind a candidacy that expresses the aspirations, the hopes, the ambitions of millions and millions of Americans," Dodd said.
He said he had overcome initial questions about Obama, admitting that, "I was skeptical like many others as to whether or not this new face in American politics could do all the things he desired to do, that many of us desire to do."
However, at the end of the day Chris Dodd, who worked with both Clinton and Obama in the US Senate, concludes that his political future is best-served by endorsing Obama.
Villagers, we are watching the Democratic Party establishment circle the wagons around Barack Obama. It seems that the Democratic Party super-delegates and others think that my prediction from last week is correct.
Can Bill Richardson, Al Gore or John Edwards be far behind in their endorsement decisions? What say u?
I really believe that John Edwards will back Obama, but Bill Richardson may not. If he does it would be an enormous slap to Hillary Clinton, since he held such prominent positions in the Clinton administration. I always liked Chris Dodd and I am glad he is backing Obama.
wheels flling off the clinton bus....on another note, whats up with Irq? maybe we can urge the shite & sunni to join the Kurds and declare war against Turkey, that would unify the government more than we can, just a though on Iraq LOL
Janet - I think that Bill Richardson will end up supporting Obama, however, it appears that it won't be until after Hillary concedes. re: Dodd. I really never knew much about it except for what I saw in earlier debates...
All-Mi-T - The enemy of my enemy is my friend appears to be the strategy that you advocate. As long as the enemy ain't the good ol' US of A ... then you may have a point...
Another blow to the Clinton campaign! Indeed who will be next??
Regina - I am tired of HRC. I hope that she gets beat bad enough in Ohio and Texas that she sees this thing is done. I'm ready for her to concede...
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