Calling Washington DC, "corporate-occupied territory," consumer advocate Ralph Nader launched his fifth campaign for the presidency today. "I'm running for president," said Nader in an appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press." Nader downplayed the impact he might have on the ultimate outcome of the race, saying "if Democrats can't landslide the Republicans this year, they ought to just wrap up, close down, emerge in a different form."
Nader, 73, has run for president as a write-in candidate on both the Democratic and Republican tickets in the New Hampshire primary 1992 as a "none of the above" candidate. He mounted more serious campaigns in 1996, 2000, and 2004.
Many Democrats resent his 2000 run, believing he sapped enough votes from then-Vice President Al Gore to hand the presidency to then-Gov. George W. Bush. In Florida, where Gore ultimately lost to Bush by 537 votes, more than 97,000 Floridians supported Nader
, then on the Green Party ticket. Not everyone concedes that Nadar's candidacy in 2000 caused Bush to win.
Personally, I think that Ralph Nadar is simply a person who likes to see his name in print. I don't sense that there is a groundswell of support for Nadar. Quite frankly, I think that Ralph Nadar is lonely and wants some attention. The last time that Ralph Nadar was relevant was over 40 years ago when his book led to the failure of the Chevy Corvair.
Nader, 73, has run for president as a write-in candidate on both the Democratic and Republican tickets in the New Hampshire primary 1992 as a "none of the above" candidate. He mounted more serious campaigns in 1996, 2000, and 2004.
Many Democrats resent his 2000 run, believing he sapped enough votes from then-Vice President Al Gore to hand the presidency to then-Gov. George W. Bush. In Florida, where Gore ultimately lost to Bush by 537 votes, more than 97,000 Floridians supported Nader

Personally, I think that Ralph Nadar is simply a person who likes to see his name in print. I don't sense that there is a groundswell of support for Nadar. Quite frankly, I think that Ralph Nadar is lonely and wants some attention. The last time that Ralph Nadar was relevant was over 40 years ago when his book led to the failure of the Chevy Corvair.
What do you think about his candidacy?
Ralph Nader did some impressive work in his legal/organizing career, and many of his specific arguments against the status quo are hard to argue with. But his precription - vote for him and give the election to the Republicans - makes me think he MUST be a paid agent of the Republican Party or a complete narcissist who really doesn't care what happens to the American people.
The fact that he has chosen to run against the first Black to receive the Democratic nomination confirms for me that Nader has got a really leftist bone in his body. Anybody can criticize, but everytime Nader takes his criticism on the road the country pays for it for eight more years.
Francis - I go for complete narcissist! Hopefully, we recognize him as the boy who cried wolf and simply ignore him. That's my view anyhow...
I am so happy to discover your village. I did not know that there were other villagers out out there in cyber space.
Will check out your various blogs.
Maaaaan he just wanna be on T-V!
Of course, if he wants to run, he can run, but seriously, his eye was drooping like crazy on Meet the Press! He just needs to take a nice grandpa nap!
Grata - I am glad that you found us as well my sister! I hope you will share your village voice often.
Deidra & Los Angelista - I simply don't understand why his ego demands that he run for president. There is not a clamouring for his candidacy. As such, it is simply a personal fancy ... not a political calling this time around...
I wish he will sit down and let this be a true race. His message is outdated, and I'm starting to think he's a Republican. Anytime a viable democrat wins the nod, he enters the race. If he really cared about the people, he will see the people are turning out in record numbers to support their candidate. Both McCain and Obama rely on the independent vote, and it's just selfish of Ralph Nader to enter the arena.
I don't even understand the point, it's a waist of time, money, and energy.
He's a divisive Republican, I'm convinced.
Mrs. Grapevine - I imagine that Ralph Nadar is frustrated when he sees the way that Obama's campaign tapped into college students and other first-time voters. This must have been his dream all these years ... and he is frustrated that Obama got it done. Like others, he probably feels it ain't right that a Black man benefits from something that he was 'sposed to have. Frankly, I think that Hillary's frustration comes from that same place ... seeing Obama riding into the convention as the inevitable winner is a place that she saw for herself...
I have to agree with everybody else, Nader is seeking attention...again! He really needs to stop doing this every election.
BHC or others - Did Nadar indicate if he was running as a Green Party candidate again? Does that mean that Cynthia McKinney is no longer running?
No he's running as an Independent. I think that he runs for President to force the discussion on salient issues. I don't think that he would know what to do if he actually won.
I actually think that he makes a lot of sense when he speaks, although as I mentioned before, he doesn't have a snowball's chance of winning.
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