Did you see where Governor Ed Rendell shared his insights on what Barack Obama can expect from Pennsylvania voters?
"You've got conservative whites here, and I think there are some whites who are probably not ready to vote for an African American candidate. I believe, looking at the returns in my election, that had Lynn Swann [2006 Republican gubernatorial candidate] been the identical candidate that he was --well-spoken, charismatic, good-looking -- but white instead of Black, instead of winning by 22 points, I would have won by 17 or so."Gov. Rendell is a talented politician and Clinton surrogate. I wonder if he is signaling to the country that Team Clinton is so desperate to win this election that they are going to pull out the race card again? What say u?
Wait!! WTH?!
"I believe, looking at the returns in my election, that had Lynn Swann [2006 Republican gubernatorial candidate] been the identical candidate that he was --well-spoken, charismatic, good-looking -- but white instead of Black, instead of winning by 22 points, I would have won by 17 or so."
Is ^^^^ that supposed to be a compliment? That is one sick joke Rendell. I don't know Swann but he insulted Swann, Obama AND black people in that one sentence. He talking about Pennsylvania is racist...
Deidra - I couldn't believe that a professional politician would say something so stupid on the record.
What an arrogant a$$hole. Plus I hate when white folks say that a brother "speaks well". Focus on what I say ... not on the fact that I know the English language!
The scary part is that Rendell is a smart person. I figure that he said what he said for a purpose ... and that Team Clinton authorized it.
EV: What say you?
I say yea. And I think the black (and Latina/o) blogosphere should be ready.
Sound the drums.
This is a ploy...just like what everything else that has been said by the Clinton team has been a ploy...they are putting race out there yet again, so people can begin to look past what Obama can achieve and do and begin looking at his skin color...
I would hope that people have smartened up and know by now the kind of bulls*** they can expect from this campaign...the Clinton camp is grasping at straws!
Well if it was for a purpose - if it's a ploy...it's a dumb one because that's only going to help Obama. Obama ain't scared man! He'll go in the most KKK state and shut them down likethat!
Disturbing and downright shocking that a public figure would say this publicly, to say the least. Although I don't know Pennsylvanian culture, I'm not worried, though. I have faith in people seeing through this. Barack has momentum, which means he is getting more press coverage, and lots of volunteers (I'm one of them!) and we will all do our best to move forward in the same positive light that symbolizes the kind of change we want to see for this country. I have HOPE that the people of Pennsylvania will come through.
On another note, their voting isn't until April 22, so there's a whole lot of delegate-choosing before then. Barack may have the nomination by then.
Yep, I'd say so.
It was so un-like what people what have expected from him. It is also contrary to what I have known about Pennsylvania from my many acquaintances there...
Kismet - Our village is ready. We can't let these statements go unchallenged when we hear or see them...
Ms. Marvalus - If the results from the Battle of the Beltway last night are any indication ... it appears that Obama is overcoming old poli-tricks such as Rendall is using. People truly want to move into the future with hope for a change of the divisive mindset we've seen in politics over the past 15-20 years...
Deidra & Benin - Thank you for sharing your village voice...
Strider - It is wonderful to see the momentum physically taking shape. I live in Ohio. I figure that I'll see some of the magic in person over the coming weeks...
He could of replaced the state of Pennsylvania with the names of any state in the union. I am from Ohio and for a moment it seemed like he was writing about this state.
After the beat down on the Potomac, and Team Billary's conqueror by division attempts~can they honestly surprise us? No.
I never thought that Clinton would not put up a real junk yard dog kind of fight for this nomination. Team Billary has yet to acknowledge that there is a portion of the black population that ain't feeling them or their ass backwards supporters. Racism, lies, deciet and bulls**t, is all in the mix.
I expect that we will see the ulgy American at home more and more as the stump continues.
Lady D - I think that Team Clinton understands that they have lost the Black vote. I'm hopeful that all of America can rise about our petty prejudices and look at these two candidates and simply pick the one we think best for our nation at this particular point in history...
If you read between those lines he basically said "VOTE WHITE"!
I think Hillary will continue to campaign based on race, because she can't take Obama down based on the issues, the needed change, or the momentum he has gained. All she has left to play is the race card.
Regina - I agree with your assessment of his subliminal message. I also agree that the nation doesn't appear interested in those types of messages any longer ... especially about Obama. The nation truly wants Obama to succeed (IMHO) and they don't want to see Team Clinton go negative or drop bombs on the guy...
Every state is racist, Barack represents a new America, a true melting pot. Those of us that only see the world in terms of black and white are quickly becomming out of touch. The race is over,we have a new leader
I did not mean to be anonymous in my previous comment, it is over, Barack has won
That's exactly why she should not be president of the United States. She is about divide and conquer. This is shameful. I will forward this to my friends.
Notice how he never said, "And I think it's wrong that people voted for me instead of Swann because I'm white." And if Hillary wins because of that, well, that's just the way it goes.
I was just writing on my blog about how saturated coverage of this election is with racial code words. It's really shameful.
James - As we learned in New Hampshire election results ... it ain't over until it's over!
Vanessa - Thank you for sharing it with your blog readers.
Los Angelista - I'll head over to review your blog post on racial code words.
Its truly amazing how white folks can make racist statements and how main steam media dont make a deal about it, speaking about the Ed Rendell statement. Now that same statement make by Rev Jesse Jackson or Rev Shapeton it would be blow up to major levels. I always believe the Clinton's are undercover racists, it's truly amazing again how many people in their camp have make racial statements in these primaries.
Flex - Frankly, Team Clinton has *not* been very 'undercover' about using the race card, in my opinon. That being said ... I'm wondering if Ed Rendell wouldn't be a good Vice Presidential candidate for Obama. What say u?
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