Our blog continues to evolve over time. There are so many issues that I hope to discuss with you over the coming weeks and months. Time will tell if I'm successful in creating an Electronic Village that is truly worthy of a daily click-thru by you and others. For now, I am grateful to those that share their village voice with comments on our posts as well as those of you that simply ~lurk~ in the shadows of the village.
Regina's Family Seasons (BBR #137) is a blog that I learned about recently. Regina surprised me recently with a Spread The Love award. This award originated in Jan 2007 with Gar-Boodles Soup. She used these words to describe the essence of the award, 'Do You know what friendship is ? - Yes- it is to be as brother and sister, two souls which touch each other without meeting, like two fingers on the same hand.'
In that spirit, I share the Spread The Love award with Black & Missing But Not Forgotten, Eddie Griffin (BASG), Mes Deux Cents, Mrs. Grapevine and Vanessa Byers. These five bloggers dedicate a good portion of their blogging energy to uplift others. I have not met any of them in person, however, I feel as a kindred spirit with each. I invite all Villagers to take a moment to visit their blogs so that you'll understand why this award is bestowed on them.
Villagers, have you made friends here in cyberspace that you've never met in the real world?
Regina's Family Seasons (BBR #137) is a blog that I learned about recently. Regina surprised me recently with a Spread The Love award. This award originated in Jan 2007 with Gar-Boodles Soup. She used these words to describe the essence of the award, 'Do You know what friendship is ? - Yes- it is to be as brother and sister, two souls which touch each other without meeting, like two fingers on the same hand.'
In that spirit, I share the Spread The Love award with Black & Missing But Not Forgotten, Eddie Griffin (BASG), Mes Deux Cents, Mrs. Grapevine and Vanessa Byers. These five bloggers dedicate a good portion of their blogging energy to uplift others. I have not met any of them in person, however, I feel as a kindred spirit with each. I invite all Villagers to take a moment to visit their blogs so that you'll understand why this award is bestowed on them.
Villagers, have you made friends here in cyberspace that you've never met in the real world?
Awwww!!! Thank you Villager :) I'll wear my badge proudly. I give credit to God for the work I do so thank Him first for allowing me to create and keep my blog. *Hugs* :)
Oh and Villager, you are very deserving of that award - you shouldn't even be surprise! You're already doing great things for other people, including me. Your encouragement goes very far and it helped me become a better blogger :)
Deidra - Thank you for the kind words. You've earned your place in the afrosphere. Your blog is BBR #53 (out of 797) at the moment...
Thank you, Villager! I am truly honored. You are reflecting the positive energy you exude.
I am not at all surprised by the success of the Electronic Village. You have reached many people and continue to harness and use the power of the internet to inform and connect others.
Your village grows and I and blessed to be a part of it.
Peace & Love.
Vanessa - Asante sana for the kind words. I look forward to watching the continued growth of your many blogs!
Speaking of spreading the love. I recently completed a viral tag challeng asking me to list of 5 blogs I like. EV was listed first.
I love the positivity I receive from EV! Thank you, Villager, for simply being you!
I have "met" many wonderful friends since I began blogging, including Ms. Vanessa, Ms. Regina, and Mrs. Grapevine, who have encouraged, inspired, and motivated me beyond words...all of the blogs that I visit are different and offer food for my soul...
Urban Scientist - Asante sana for the recognition. I'll head over to visit the tag-meme this weekend...
Ms. Marvalus - Food for the soul is a good thing. Thank you for your kind words. It's easy to be inspired with an avatar like yours (smile)...
You are very deserving of this award. You do so much to help educate and unite "us"! I am grateful for your "voice" and what you do with it.
I have met many awesome people via the blogosphere, the list is entirely to long to write here but it includes you; Bria; Marvalus; Ms. Grapevine; AJ; Darkbrotha and a host of others. And they all bring something unique and valuable to the table!
I have been blessed to meet so many awesome people!
Peace & Love!
Regina - Asante sana for the kind words. I haven't read much of Darkbrotha from your list. I'll need to check him out this weekend...
Hi Villager,
Thank you very much: coming from a dedicated blogger such as yourself your kind words mean a lot!
MDC - My words were sincere. I truly enjoy your blog...
peace, Villager
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