Drumbeats from Latimer Williams informed us of a sleepy town in Vermont that is truly pissed off at George Bush and Dick Cheney. I imagine that Dennis Kucinich would have won the Brattleboro precint vote this year if his presidential campaign kept going long enough. Kucinich wants to impeach Dick Cheney while the good people of Brattleboro want Cheney and his boss, George Bush, indicted and arrested for war crimes, perjury or obstruction of justice if they ever step foot in Vermont.
Perhaps Kurt Daims is just mad that Vermont is the only state George Bush has not visited since he became president in 2001. Does Vermont have an airport?
Perhaps Kurt Daims is just mad that Vermont is the only state George Bush has not visited since he became president in 2001. Does Vermont have an airport?
But Bush + Cheney haven't committed any war crimes...
And Bush is nowhere near as evil as Hitler. Not even close, bleeding heart liberal guy in Vermont.
Woozie - I'm a firm believer that there is never a good reason or good time to bring Adolph Hitler into a comparison with any American...
Brattleboro is the place for me.
Citizens fighting to preserve democracy.
Thanks for including the impeachment video link.
What are your thoughts on Montel Williams being fired by fox for talking about the soldiers who have died in Iraq not receiving the same attention as the demise of Heath Ledger?
Danielle - I tried to find a link on Modern Musings that was solely about the effort of Kucinich to impeach (smile). I thought of you as I posted this one. I wonder why Bush never found a reason to visit that particular state? For that matter, I wonder if past presidents have visited all 50 states or not?
re: Montel Williams. I haven't seen story on it specifically. I saw headline that he was being fired or leaving his show. I figured it was just a ratings thing. I'll need to look into it based on your comment...
Woozie had best get his Ostrich Head out of the Sand and protect his back side. He must be the only soul on Earth that doesn't know what a war crime is. Here with documentation in full:
I thought I would give you some links from some of my blog compatriots on the Williams story.
Here's one from another of my blog compatriots
Much Love
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