The initial numbers are indelible:
8:46 a.m. and 9:02 a.m. Time the burning towers stood:
56 minutes and 102 minutes. Time they took to fall:
12 seconds. From there, they ripple out.

- Total number killed in attacks: 2,819
- Number of WTC companies that lost people: 60
- Number of nations whose citizens were killed in attacks: 115
- Ratio of men to women who died: 3:1
- Bodies found "intact": 289
- Body parts found: 19,858
- Number of families who got no remains: 1,717
- Number of people who lost a spouse or partner in the attacks: 1,609
- Estimated number of children who lost a parent: 3,051
- Days fires continued to burn after the attack: 99
In a word: Wow. It still feels like yesterday. Fantastic WW.
Awesome made me get choked up. Thanks for remembering all of those people lost and the ones that were left behind.
Great tribute. Still hard to believe what happened and what has transpired since then that has affected everyone.
Very appropriate for today. Sobering too.
I had never seen those numbers before. Thanks for posting them--it definitely makes one think.
I agree! Great tribute.
Happy WW!!
Stunning post. Very fitting for WW! Wish I could say more but I think you said it all.
You forgot to mention all the people who died afterwards from injuries or smoke intoxication and all those who will dye because of the cancer they got from the smoke not to count that this was the beginning of a senseless war where soldiers and civilians are dying every day !
wow what powerful photos. Thanks for sharing the statistics--didn't know any of that. Very sad.
I still have a hard time believing it.
Still hard to see sometimes, being (originally) from New York.
We did a non-WW 9/11 post following the reconstruction and healing yesterday...
Those are just amazing pics. So sad.
A startling reminder...thank you for this entry.
Powerful photos and memories of things I wish we could erase. great post.
May we never forget...
I don't think any of us will forget that day...
Nice tribute.
Poignant. Thanks.
Wonderful tribute to 9-11. I put my flag out yesterday, but I noticed not very many did. How soon everyone forgets. Forgets who done this. Forgets why this was done. Have a great WW. :)
Very nice tribute. Thank you.
Wonderful tribute Wayne! Thanks so much. Pass by my WW posts:
When you get a chance.
I will never understand how people can do this, and feel so justified about it. Then I remember that the whole history of mankind is littered with the infliction of pain on one another.
Which doesnt really help much, because I still dont get it.
Very thought provoking and profound WW.
(And Thank you for stopping by!)
Powerful stuff.
That is a great tribute. All of those numbers spoke volumes.
I posted a poem about 9/11 on my blog...written about how the events changed my grandmother. However, what you say here is profound. Such a sad day for the world. Thank you for a touching tribute.
Lovin' the new look! Caught me off guard for a minute.
if bombs weren't used, how come so few bodies?
it's hard to understand numbers like that, still.
I remember exactly where I was at that time and will never forget.
My prayers to the family and for the souls of the departed.
those statistics send chills up my spine.
Wow. Thank you for this moment of truth and silence.
We were just talking about this the other day. It's so hard to believe it's been 7 years.
Perfect WW.
:::silent reverie in remembering:::
TEARS still for a nation.
Sobering. It's still so unbelievable...
I've heard recently that many in the main stream media have decided we shouldn't be shown these pictures any more. I say we should see them every day so that we never forget how we felt that horrible day, and never forget there are people who hate us and want to destroy us. Thank you for this tribute and helping commemorate all those lives lost that day. happy ww
Hey Villager.
Not too many words can really say it better than this pictorial tribute. Wow. Powerful stuff.
Excellent post Villager.
Very moving, I used to deliver packages there as a messenger when I was a kid, It's still hard to believe it's not there.
This was a day that broke my heart. I love New York, and I grieve for all those who lost family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors on that tragic day.
To all who lost their lives, Rest In Peace.
A day none that know of what happened, will every forget. NEVER forget.
Was a while ago. Pretty sad.
so much sadness. so looking forward to november
A very sad day indeed. My brother was still living in NY at the time, but he wasn't near the towers that day.
I lost my cousin in 9/11, I can't believe how long it's been already.
Yes... :-( I miss your blog posts but I follow your paper!
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