Villagers are encouraged by NAACP Wichita Branch to lift up Chioma Gray in prayer, and that you would also lift up Chioma's family.
Kevin Myles, NAACP Wichita Branch president wrote,
Kevin Myles, NAACP Wichita Branch president wrote,
"Since the abduction I have had the opportunity to speak and to really dialogue with Chioma's Mother and I have found her to be a woman of great faith who is fighting with everything she has to find her baby. Chioma has siblings and a loving family who desperately want her home. Her mother has worked so hard inClick here for comprehensive update on Chioma Gray abduction.
this case, doing everything a mother could possibly do to try and find her baby and we all need to just pray that God gives her the strength to keep her head up and keep fighting for Chioma's safe return. I am trusting and believing in almighty God that Chioma will make it home safely. Let us all keep that faith."
Its always a shame when this happens I pray that Chioma comes home safely.
We are as bloggers always have to champion causes like this one.
It is like the Phylicia Moore case I blogged about, they are introducing a bill to Congress in her name, check out my blog tommorrow for more details
Latimer - I look forward to reading about Phylicia Moore. I'm not familiar with her situation...
The original post was June of '07, Virtually no press at all. Here is the link and remember to view tomorrow for an update .
Sorry, Here Is the Link Take care
Latimer - Thank you for pointing out the other missing woman. When you post your update you may want to ensure that Deidra over at Black & Missing But Not Forgotten blog...
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