Fox News Radio host Tom Sullivan took a call from a listener who stated that when listening to Barack Obama speak, "it harkens back to when I was younger and I used to watch those deals with Hitler, how he would excite the crowd and they'd come to their feet and scream and yell." Sullivan then played a "side-by-side comparison" of a Hitler speech and an Obama speech. Sullivan mimicked the crowd during both speeches, yelling, "Yay! Yay!"
When a later caller complained that Sullivan was "denigrating" Obama with the comparison, Sullivan said he wouldn't play it again, then begged: "Can I, please, one more time? Just one more time? Then I won't do it again. ... Until the next time."
Judge for yourself. Here is the audio clip provided by Media Matters.
I call on all Villagers to take action and let these fools know that it is unacceptable to com
pare any candidate for President of the United States to Adolph Hitler:
Are you going to contact them? What did you think as you listened to the audio clip?
When a later caller complained that Sullivan was "denigrating" Obama with the comparison, Sullivan said he wouldn't play it again, then begged: "Can I, please, one more time? Just one more time? Then I won't do it again. ... Until the next time."
Judge for yourself. Here is the audio clip provided by Media Matters.
I call on all Villagers to take action and let these fools know that it is unacceptable to com

Fox News Radio
Phone: (212) 301-3000
Email: foxnewsradio@foxnews.com
Tom Sullivan
E-mail: tomsullivanradio@foxnews.com
Phone: (212) 301-3000
Email: foxnewsradio@foxnews.com
Tom Sullivan
E-mail: tomsullivanradio@foxnews.com
Are you going to contact them? What did you think as you listened to the audio clip?
That was totally insulting, to say the least. I will definitely send an email about this. I am listening to a radio show right now and I'll email it over to them to see if they will read it on the air. Hitler was a insane person and to compare Obama to him is insulting.
If you take out the offense of it; even from just an intellectual/academic stand point it’s not a good comparison.
The caller and the host are clearly dimwits.
Obama’s and Hitlers manner of speech are nothing alike, their body language when giving those speeches are nothing alike, and the rhetoric draws no parallels.
Hitler used a firebrand, frantic style where with violent body language he extolled his people to ethnocentricity.
Obama speaks with a calm and welcoming demeanor, about cross sectional unity. A comparison to MLK is much more apt. The comparison to Hitler holds no weight.
The Clinton Campaign called him a Nazi a couple of weeks ago too. Guess this guys following there lead.
I guess, as insulting as it is, the only comparison that bears any merit is the fact that they could incite an audience or masses of people. I didn't realize that Clinton was linked to using the Nazi word.
Janet - There is never a good reason to compare anyone to Adolph Hitler. He holds a special place in hell and it cannot be shared by anyone...
Yobachi - Thanx for the link to the Clinton campaign use of the Hitler analogy...
I'm not in a position where I can listen to it right now, but I will be soon. I'm fuming already. I can just imagine. They don't DARE compare him to another GREAT man who could also light the fire in the heart of the people!
I'm not politically astute enough to ever even think of comparing anyone to Mr. King, but I do know that if you're going to make comparisons, let's compare like minds and like hearts. You can't compare angels to devils and expect to get away with it, or for anyone to buy in to your stupidity!
I'm just angry now.
Evelyn - I have no idea why Fox News Radio allowed this to happen. If using term "pimped out" with Chelsea Clinton required a 2-week suspension for a media personality ... the consequences should be much more severe for this jerk...
Wow. Unbelievable.
Oh Hell yes I am going to complain about this to their management.
This is an insult!
I plan to get some rest because I am too tired tonight. But before I leave for work in the a.m. the management of Fox is going to know how I feel.
Honestly, I realize that there are a lot of homegrown terrorist and truly ignorant individuals who are legal citizens of the U.S. but the radio announcer should of just let the remark go. Instead of adding onto to the madness!
Thanks for posting this Villager! I certainly intend to make some sort of response.
Good Night.
Lady D - I encourage you to share the information with your blog readers...
Funky Brown Chick - Yeah, I thought it was unbelievable as well. That is why I needed to listen to the audiotape of the radio show. I haven't heard anything in the mainstream media (MSM) yet, have you?
It's so ridiculous and without foundation that I don't even see the point of getting upset over it. No one with half a brain would pay any of those two any attention. Even the most stupid person on this earth could see that there is absolutely no comparision between Hitler and Obama. More than insulting, it's just stupid!
Lola - Not a matter of getting upset. More a matter of getting even. Radio show hosts need to know that there are consequences when you open your trap against our community. Don Imus learned this lesson last year. Perhaps it is time for this Fox News Radio show host to learn that lesson as well...
i just finished sending my e-mails.
i am neither shocked nor surprised by this behavior. it is just more of the same. taking action against it is the only way to make it change. thank you for making it so easy.
i found it interesting that clinton's feminist fury could only kick in when chelsea was described in association with the despicable term "pimp". how does that same feminist reconcile her close associations with mr. johnson? she doesn't need "education" she needs to be called on the carpet for her hypocrisy at the very least- white supremacy for those that are not timid.
i love your site! you are on my daily travels.
FocusedPurpose - I'm glad that you found the information useful. Team Clinton is truly getting to a state of desperation. I just hope that Obama can end this thing with a win in Ohio or Texas.
re: daily travels. Asante sana! Please consider becoming a subscriber...
done! with pleasure!
I'd just like to point out to you easily angered liberal idiots that the person who compared the SPEECH NOT THE PERSON OF OBAMA to the SPEECH NOT THE PERSON OF ADOLF HITLER was saying that both speeches held no value besides furthering the speaker's goals and both speeches were able to ignite a crowd senselessly. Great mean have been able to ignite crowds like this - yes, but their speeches had some element of substance. I'm sorry but I've often thought of how similar the two seem to me. It's not that I think Obama is a fascist or communist (even though some of his ideas come straight from the socialist playbook, i.e. big government in the form of government controlled healthcare) but it seems like the people who get all riled up at his speeches fail to think about some of the stuff he says.
Anon - There is never a good reason for person operating on public media to compare any candidate for the presidency to Adolph Hitler. It is only done for the sensationalism of it. It is an insult to all Americans when this is done...
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