The number of Black-owned and operated blogs included in our BBR increased by 25% in the past 30 days. We are looking for support from anyone interested in working with us on this project. I remain open to ideas and suggestions from all Villagers on ways that this project can be more useful to you. I appreciate those of you that pointed out white-owned blogs we listed in the past.
On The Black Hand Side (BBR #262) is placing a wonderful spotlight on Black Bloggers with their '20 Questions With' interviews. This is outstanding opportunity to learn more about talented brothers and sisters that you see listed in the Villager's Black Blog Rankings.
Kujichagulia (Self-Determination) is the driving force behind the BBR. Let others have lists of so-called influential bloggers with no melanin. We have created a growing list of our own to highlight the talent and creativity (Kuumba) that exists in our own community:
- Sept 2007 list ranked 75 Black blogs.
- Dec 2007 list ranked 516 Black Blogs
- Jan 2008 list ranked 602 Black Blogs
- The Bossip: Bossip.com (Authority: 1,173 / Rank: 2,023) - [Entertainment] Bossip.com becomes the third Black blog in the past three months to take over the BBR #1 slot. Bossip.com is a fast growing urban-focused new media property that draws a loyal following of young and influential trend setters who are up to date with what’s hot in society. We don't know if The Bossip is a brother or sister ... but, we do know that What About Our Daughters ain't happy with The Bossip for calling Maya Angelou a 'ho'. Hey Bossip ... any response to WAOD concerns?
- Pam Spaulding: Pam's House Blend (Authority: 1,167 / Rank: 2,047) - [Politics] This is a prolific blog with a number of contributors that shares candid thoughts on politics and invites others to join in the debate. Pam shared some blogging tips with us recently. She wrote, "Are there secrets to getting eyeballs? Hmmm. I don't think so, though having religious right nutcases calling you "a leading source of radical homosexual propaganda, anti-Christian bigotry, and radical transgender advocacy" probably helps. Seriously, there is no one suggestion to gain larger readership. It's luck, timing, and blogwhoring at other sites similar to yours to entice readers to take a peek at your stuff. Having your own "voice" that stands out as different as well as authentic and true to yourself helps a lot."
- Angel Laws: Concrete Loop* (Authority: 1,128 / Rank: 2,199) - [Entertainment]
This is a Black celebrity entertainment blog with gossip, music, celebrity interviews, pictures and such. Angel Laws, a 23-year-old college student in Jacksonville, NC, started this blog as a hobby. It is now one of the top-ranked Black blogs in the world. Angel recently walked the red carpet herself. Have you seen your favorite celebrity on Angel's blog?
- Debra Dickerson: MoJo Blog (Authority: 1,085 / Rank: 2,352) - [Politics] Mother Jones is an independent nonprofit whose roots lie in a commitment to social justice implemented through first rate investigative reporting. Debra Dickerson is the author of An American Story and The End of Blackness and a former intelligence officer in the U.S. Air Force. Admittedly, I am trying to determine if a blog owned by a non-profit should be on the BBR. What say u?
- Fresh Crunkjuice: Crunk & Disorderly* (Authority: 788 / Rank: 3,933) - [Entertainment] This blog was created in August 2004, however, it didn't get serious until May 2005. This is an active entertainment blog that tackles the world of African American celebrity gossip. From Kanye West to the Reverend Al Sharpton, C&D takes no prisoners. I'm still hopeful to get some link-love from Yo' Fresh on his Fresh Picks!
- ESKAY: Nah Right (Authority: 727 / Rank: 4,482) - [Entertainment] This is another Black blogger that is steadily moving up in the rankings. Some say that Nah Right is the most important East Coast hip-hop blog there is. His blog began in May 2005 and continues to thrive. Somebody tell ESKAY that we are looking for him to share his village voice with us on what it takes to grow a successful blog.
- Oli
ver Willis: Oliver Willis (Authority: 603 / Rank: 6,002) - [Politics] Oliver is a fan of the Washington Redskins. His blog alternates between posts on the NFL and presidential politics. He began his blog in April 2005 and we hope that he will share his village voice with us at some point.
- Natasha Eubanks: Young, Black & Fabulous (Authority: 591 / Rank: 8,8
40) - [Entertainment] Natasha moved her hot gossip blog to her own domain. Natasha is a law student who recently relocated to the Washington area, said she gets about 99 percent of the information she posts simply from researching the Internet out of her own curiosity and interest. Did you see when Natasha and Omarosa went after each other recently?
- La Shawn Barber: La Shawn Barber's Corner (Authority: 542 / Rank: 7,033) - [
Politics] Freelance writer La Shawn Barber offers political commentary from a Christian perspective. NPR News & Notes listed the 8/15/2007 Blogger's Roundtable with Sis. Barber as one of their best shows in 2007. I 'met' Sis. Barber during NPR Blogger Roundtables that we did in Nov 2007 and Jan 2008. She is an insightful sister with a powerful political blog. She is shown in this photo with Pam Spaulding (BBR #2)
- Natasha Eubanks: Young, Black & Fabulous (Authority: 423 / Rank: 10,523) - [Entertainment] See #8 above! Her newer blog has moved up to BBR#10, making her the first blogger with multiple blogs in the Top 10!
HONORABLE MENTION (11-25): Afro Bella*, What About Our Daughters*, Jack and Jill Politics*, Darla Mack News & Reviews, Sandra Rose, Rod 2.0:Beta, The Field Negro*, Entre mes Lignes, How To Split An Atom, Black Looks, Keith Boynkin*, Ill Doctrine, A Hot Mess!, Republic of T and Real Talk NY Provides The Latest Hip Hop News*.
The only qualification is that the blogger needs to be of African descent. The blogger does not have to be a member of The AfroSpear or the Afrosphere Bloggers Association, although we invite all Black bloggers to join either (or both) of those organizations.
Those blogs with an asterisk after their name are 2007 Black Weblog Award winners. Black Blog Rankings lean heavily on the Technorati Authority and Rank score for each blog. The Technorati authority and rank numbers are shown in parenthesis. The authority figure includes a number of factors including the number of blogs that are linked to this blogger over the past six months. The rank number indicates how many blogs are between the person listed and the #1 ranked blog in the world.

My vision is that many of the brothers and sisters on this month's BBR will join us later this year at the Blogging While Brown conference in Atlanta, GA on July 25-27, 2008.
We do think that these Black blogs are important spheres of influence. Reach out and let them know that you appreciate the work they have put in over the past few months and years to get on this list. Post a comment below if you are a Black Blogger interested in learning what your ranking is this month!
Hey, I'm on the list and I didn't even know it!
I need to sign up for the Afrospear...I'm going to do that now...
Much props to you, Villager...I truly admire your spirit...
Ms. Marvalus - Asante sana for the kind words. I'm glad that we give you a reason to visit with us. Tell a friend...
Yeah, I look forward to this report, I can't believe how much the list grows from month to month. There is a huge Afrosphere out there.
Mrs. Grapevine - I don't know if you've noticed ... but, your ranking has risen quite a bit since the Proud Black Voter initiative began. Your blog is currently BBR #67 (out of 758)...
Hey thanks for doing the list. I'm 377, stuck in the middle. I just applied for the afrospear group. I posted about this and linked to ya!! Keep doing your thing!!
Sincere - There is something to be said about metrics. I've always believed that you get what you measure. In your case ... you are current BBR #377 ... so you should determine where you want to be next month, next year and then take steps to 'make it so'.
Anyhow, I appreciate your kind words. Many at BlogCatalog.com seem to be against the idea of tracking Black blogs...
I did notice:) but where is the Proud Black Voter Blog?
Hey Villager,
I am in awe of the tremendous job you do! WOW! I really had no idea until recently that you are ranking black bloggers. That is an awesomely huge undertaking! Many blessing to you for your tenacity!
I was reading where you had me at 180/748 and I am screaming like I hit the lottery. With my intro into blogging just in October I am excited to be in such awesome company!
3 cheers to you!
Sorry 181/751!
Hi Villager ;) where am I this month?
Mrs. Grapevine - Oops. I didn't have it on the list until just now. Proud Black Voter blog is BBR #216 (out of 759).
Regina - Have you set a goal for yourself? Where do you want to be on the BBR by July 2008?
Bria - Your blog is BBR #221 (out of 759)...
I signed up with Afrospear (o Afrosphere) and it's all messed up. administrator contacted me almost a month later-i sent a response and no word since :(
I only just found this site. I didn't even know there was a group of black bloggers. It's great to know there are so many of us. So how do I get on the list?
K Owusu - I was unable to find your blog on Technorati this morning. As such, it is currently ranked BBR #760 (out of 760)...
This is good stuff.
I follow a couple of blogs owned/operated by black people (brown too) but they aren't on the list. How does one join?
Urban Thought - If the blog is owned & operated by a person of African descent ... just leave the blog name and URL here in the COMMENTS section. I'll take it from there...
yeah, since I found out about the rankings I have been thinking of ways to improve my blog so that my rank can increase each month. I think it's a great thing to track the black blogs.. shake those haters off!! lol
Sincere - The best way to improve our blogs is simple ... provide consistent, quality posts for our readers. Everything else flows from that reality...
re: haterz --> thanx for the encouragement & suggestion!
Being last on the list is fine with me right now. I'm sure the next list is gonna have blogs in the thousands. Also my blog is quite new so doubt it will be anywhere near the best of them. Have just put myself on technorati so will wait and see.
KO - Good move to claim your blog on Technorati.com. That is a move that all bloggers should take. I'm a co-blogger on Proud Black Voter blog that wasn't claimed on Technorati until this morning. The Technorati Authority number more than doubled from 29 to 63 in a matter of hours...
I need to get on that list..I didn't see me.
My bad...www.web2freedom.net
Thanks for doing this list! I'm #568 and this list gives me encouragement! Thanks and I only post as a hobby!
Kdub - I like your blog, however, I could not find a Technorati Authority rating for it. Please consider claiming your blog on Technorati.
In the meantime, both of your blogs have been added to the Black Blog Ranking at BBR #762 and #763.
Lakeshia - I have good news for you! I just checked and Kreative Talk is now BBR #490 (out of 763)...
Thanks for the update! That just made my night!
Villager---what's this about mybloglog.com not wanting these rankings? Give me the scoop...
Good Morning Villager,
I had not thought about a goal for this or where I wanted to be by July 2008, Jeez, I was just excited to be on such an empowering list! I am still torn between just blogging for fun and actually trying to make that rating rise...
So we'll see!
Invisible Woman - It wasn't MyBlogLog ... it was BlogCatalog. Click here to see the reaction to this month's BBR...
Regina - You sorta answered your own question when you asked about your place on the BBR. People either blog for themselves ... or they blog to share their thoughts with others. If you blog to share thoughts with others ... then isn't it better to share the thoughts with hundreds of others instead of dozens of others?
Invisible Woman - i saw your reply-comment on the blogcatalog discussion. Thank you for your support!
Thank you so much for compiling this list! You are a god-send-
Quick - Not trying to be a Godsend; just hoping to use my blog to uplift our peeps. The BBR is one piece of the puzzle.
Do you have a target goal for your blog's ranking in the future?
Thanks for the list - great way to visit and see who else is out there.
Best, Sister Kyra
Kyra - Asante sana! Might I suggest that you consider adding weekly meme called Wordless Wednesday to one (or both) of your blogs? You can feature a picture of a quilt each week. Just a thought ...
peace, Villager
not really are target goal-i just want to make sure i develop a stronger community; the rankings will in turn reflect that, hopefully! And i said that you are a god-send because no one else has taken the time out to compile such a thorough list, and i appreciate your hard work!
Quick - Asante sana! Stay strong and persistent in building your online community...
Perhaps it would be good to have three a couple lists. The main list for black owned/written, and two lesser lists. One for black owned, and one for black authorship.
Why? Because a black owned business in itself is powerful. The major majority owned firms often have quite diverse staffs, but we realize that the larger benefits acrue to the owners. The same is the case with a minority owned firm regardless of who it employs.
Maybe like an A, B, and C list with the A list (black owned/written) being the primary list.
Just a thought.
Finn - I defer to you or others to create a list of white-owned; Black authorship blogs. That is not my area of interest...
peace, Villager
Hey Villager, wonderful job as always. It's fun to see where everyone is on these lists. :o)
Shae-Shae - It has been fun watching the roster grow. I still need help creating a button or some other visual that folks can use to showcase themselves on their own blogs. You know any creative graphic folks?
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