This was a good weekend for the Obama campaign. They won the state caucus in Maine today. On Saturday, Obama won in Louisiana, Nebraska, Washington and the US Virgin Islands. The clean sweep of all five weekend contests gives him a 19-10 lead in the state contests that have been held to date. His victory margins are substantial in recent contests.
Meanwhile, the Clinton campaign showed signs of panic by firing ca
mpaign manager Patty Doyle in favor of a new campaign manager, Maggie Williams.
Obama and Clinton now head into a series of contests on Tuesday: Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia.
It appears that we are entering into one of those tipping moments in the campaign. Can Obama win the Virginia primary? More importantly, can he win the Ohio or Texas primaries that are coming up in a few weeks? I see that the Cleveland Plain-Dealer endorsed Obama this weekend. It would be a remarkable moment if he can upset Team Clinton in Ohio (my home state). That could be a death-knell for the Clinton campaign if it happens.
How are you feeling about the election today? What say u?
Meanwhile, the Clinton campaign showed signs of panic by firing ca

Obama and Clinton now head into a series of contests on Tuesday: Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia.
It appears that we are entering into one of those tipping moments in the campaign. Can Obama win the Virginia primary? More importantly, can he win the Ohio or Texas primaries that are coming up in a few weeks? I see that the Cleveland Plain-Dealer endorsed Obama this weekend. It would be a remarkable moment if he can upset Team Clinton in Ohio (my home state). That could be a death-knell for the Clinton campaign if it happens.
How are you feeling about the election today? What say u?
I am feeling that he can and he will! Yes, we can! Si se puede! There is momentum in his campaign movement and it is momentum because he is such an inspiring leader. The country is hungry for respectable leadership and Barack is both respectable and he leads by example. He truly does give us hope. So I have no doubt that he'll make it.
Did you read that John Edwards met secretly with Hillary and that it was now announced that tomorrow he will be meet with Barack? What are your thoughts about that? I hope that signals an endorsement for Barack. Barbara
Yes he can win.
I had no idea Williams was black - so once again she throws Hispanics under the bus [I undestand the fired manager was Hispanic] How much longer will they blindly support her.
She certainly believes in playing the race card.
Team Clinton is in panic mode, no matter what they say. Her choice of a black campaign manager cannot undo the "damage" that has been done. It is my hope that the delegates and superdelegates will vote according to their constituents and not make some backroom deals with the Clintons.
By the way, thanks for the feedback on Obama's positions. As I said before, I voted for him in the Georgia primary but I still was not sold on him 100 percent, but I guess I am closer to that now.
Strider - I just learned today that Yes We Can was the motto used by Obama when he ran for the Senate in Illinois. I thought he recently created it ... but, it is something that he believed in many moons ago.
I hadn't read about John Edwards meetings. I do hope that he endorses. More importantly, I hope that he campaigns on behalf of Barack in Texas, Ohio and Pennsylvania!
Ruth - I'm still trying to understand why Hispanics are so strongly for Clinton. However, I recall a time a few months ago when a majority of African Americans were for Clinton as well. I think it took Bill Clinton's performance in South Carolina to break that lock open and since then Blacks have been 80% in support of Obama. Maybe some similiar sea-change will happen with our Latino brothers & sisters...
Janet - I didn't realize you already voted. However, I appreciated the opportunity to do the research. I try to do it anytime somebody asks about issues. I respect a person with those questions and figure that Obama has laid it out somewhere ...just a matter of bringing it home!
Hi Villager,
It's not so much what people say, but what they do.
Billary's actions speak volumes as to what kind of President she would be.
- She is willing to use any strategy to win, no matter how divisive.
- She needs her husband to help her.
- She has no understanding or respect for African Americans.
- She is not a true feminist or she would not have associated herself with Bob Johnson.
I hope people are paying attention.
And one more thing; she has already thrown her new campaign manager under the bus in the past.
During the White Water scandal Ms Williams was left holding the bag and had thousands of dollars in lawyer’s fees to pay.
MDC - I hope that people are paying attention as well. I keep hearing folks ask about the issues ... yet, few seem to be willing to do research to find out about where Hillary or Obama stand on issues.
re: Maggie Williams. I guess that I'm not surprised that she has stuck by Team Clinton. I wouldn't be surprised if she's been on their payroll as a consultant or something ever since they left the White House as payback for her falling on the Whitewater sword...
So umm...did she pick Williams because she was black or because she's a good manager?
In the past Clinton (Bill) got a lot of the black votes. I'm still surprised to see a lot of blacks go for Obama. Maybe because Hilary certainly isn't Bill lol.
But if Bill Clinton was on the ballot - I think he will be getting more votes than Obama. Not to go against Obama (I love the guy) but I was just thinking of that...
Deidra - I have little doubt that Bill Clinton would win if he were on the ballot. But, he's not.
re: Maggie Williams. I figure that Hillary hired her because she is talented and Hillary trusts her. That is usually why I hire folks. I figure Hillary isn't much different in that respect...
I'm pretty sure that Obama will win the nomination now. Clinton has alienated too many Democrats to win now.
Libhom - I agree. In fact, it is beginning to look like Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani have much in common. Both are losing ... losing ... losing as they wait for a so-called firewall state to save their candidacy. It didn't work for Rudy. I doubt it works for Hillary...
Wow, this is the first time that I've seen ol girl. Too much make up.
All that blushing went out back in the 80s (and thank the lord for that).
A little more mascara and she'll be like a Black Katherine Harris.
Yobachi - To be fair, I think that this photo was taken 12-15 years ago when she was taking the hit on behalf of Hillary for Whitewater up on capital hill...
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