Ever considered having a facelift, breast augmentation, liposuction, tummy tuck or some other plastic surgery procedure? I imagine that if you are Galilea Montijo or Viviane Castro then you don't need to worry about such things.
However, others may be considering breast i
mplant surgery. Many women think at one point or another about breast implants. Breast implants are designed for women who wish to increase the size of their breasts. During the operation, a small incision is often made underneath the breast, where it is inconspicuous.
If you are considering breast augmentation with breast implants, this plastic surgery procedure is available at Rodeo Drive Plastic Surgery, located in Beverly Hills, California.
USC medical students train at the Rodeo Drive Plastic Surgery. Their medical director is a fully trained plastic surgeon in the ilk of Nip-Tuck who offers the latest appr
oaches to plastic surgery and uses cutting edge technology. And best of all, the motto at Rodeo Drive Plastic Surgery is: "Our surgeons may work on Rodeo Drive. Lucky for you, they don’t shop there!"
And lest you think that this sponsored post is only for women ... there are actually plastic surgery options for men as well.
Sponsored Post
However, others may be considering breast i

If you are considering breast augmentation with breast implants, this plastic surgery procedure is available at Rodeo Drive Plastic Surgery, located in Beverly Hills, California.
USC medical students train at the Rodeo Drive Plastic Surgery. Their medical director is a fully trained plastic surgeon in the ilk of Nip-Tuck who offers the latest appr

And lest you think that this sponsored post is only for women ... there are actually plastic surgery options for men as well.
Villager, tell me this was meant to be a sarcastic post. I love you man lol but this post is confusing to me.
I don't know any guys who like fake breasts.
I wouldn't let any med student operate on me, anyway.
To each his/her own! :D
Deidra - It is a sponsored post done in order to pay some of the bills...
Woozie - Fortunately, I don't have man boobs (yet?) so the idea of breast-reduction surgery isn't something that I care to think about...
Shelia - That's what makes the world go round ... when each of us can make our own decisions. One thing that I learned from this was that the whole Carnival activity down south is very, very serious to those peeps...
Oh okay Wayne. I was just wondering like "Where the heck did that come from?!" I thought you was going to change the whole tone of your blog to something else lol.
Deidra - I've decided to be more disciplined in efforts to monetize my blog. One aspect of that is to use my LoudLaunch account at least 4-5 times per month. Usually when I use it I tie the advertisement to a popular search term or name. Galilea Montijo and Vivian Castro are both highly-searched names on the Internet. I figure that my sponsored ad can serve two purposes. One...bring in direct advertising income (average $20 per ad right now) and two ... bring additional eyeballs to my blog from people that are surfing the web for Montijo or Castro.
Time will tell if this strategy works ... but, it is part of what I plan to do with this blog over the coming weeks and months...
It all make sense now Villager and it sounds like a brilliant idea. It's funny you mentioned this because a money making opportunity came to me by surprised when I checked my stats today.
I was just trying to see who was coming to my blog to learn about the LA Technical College shootings and I saw that somebody linked to my blog several times and several ways on something called Mahalo.
It's basically a human powered search engine. Real people such as me and you create our own search results page and if the pages are really good - then you get paid for it.
For example here's a good search page for Latina Williams (which includes my link):
Latina Williams
This person made this by looking for links and they let you put down blogs that have the subject matter you are using. My blog happens to be in probably like four of those search terms.
I'm thinking about joining it because it'll be a great way to do something that I'm good at (researching) and not only get money doing it but bring readers to MY blog (I can just link to my own blog and other members of the Afrospear).
I tell you Villager the Lord has been blessing me this week with hints here and there about what he want me to do with my life. Just yesterday something told me to go to the RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) and when I got there I watched a video they had up about the new Online Hotline. I signed up to be a volunteer immediately after. I wanted to help out girls any way that I can and the Lord told me a way.
It's funny because a couple days ago I was reading Gina's blog comments on an issue and one blogger (I think it was AAPP) pointed out that we start a blog mentoring these young women and helping them out. Until the blog comes I guess I'll be doing this and I'm excited about getting started with training! :)
Deidra - It is wonderful to see you expand and grow as a blogger. Stay strong...
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