February 27, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Obama Family


Woozie said...

Camelot, but without the chauvinism.

And hopefully without the corpses o_0

chartao said...

thanks for the insight to the soon-to-be-president of the United States of America!

Happy WW!

eastcoastlife said...

I wonder if he will be America's first black President. Wish him all the best.

Rene Perez said...

What a beautiful family. Your blog has made me want to come back and read more. Happy WW!

Unknown said...

Very nice pics of the would be President and first family!
Peace & Love!

Lori said...

Great pics...I think I like him better than any of the other candidates and im Republican. Happy WW and thanks for stopping by:)

Marvalus said...

It sure would be nice to have a family in the White House...

Melanie said...

It's nice to see politicians in a different setting once in a while and remember that they are all human too.

Our Happy Happenings
Livin' With Me

Stephanie said...

Very sweet photo montage!

My post is here if you'd like to visit. :)

Anonymous said...

great portrayal of obama and his family!

p.s. thanks for stopping by ;)

jams o donnell said...

Great selection of photos. Here's hoping he is your next president

oneluvgurl said...

He is going to make a great president! Happy WW!

Mine is here: http://blog.mysocalledsite.com/?p=260

Anonymous said...

Love the photos...especially the last two ones...I just love how his feelings radiate in those pics!

Donna. W said...

I think I know who YOU'RE voting for! Happy WW.

Deidra said...

Such an adorable family!

Ms. Ki said...

Beautiful Family and pictures. Happy WW.

Annie said...

Thanks for the pictures of our hope to be next president. Great idea. Thanks for sharing and check out this two year old soon to be pilot. My grandson! Happy WW.

Write From Karen said...

His wife is just gorgeous.

Write From Karen

Ingrid said...

Very interesting pictures, have never seen them before !

Cynthia said...

Looks to me like our next President.

Four-eyed-missy said...

Great family pictures. It allowed me to take a peek of him and his family.

Michael Serafin-St. John said...

Common sense is hard to find, and integrity is a fragile thing. I hope that Sen. Obama is able to keep us inspired no matter what happens in this election. We need him.

Michael Serafin-St. John said...

Thanks for visiting my site. I really appreciate it.

Andree said...

I have never seen these photos. They are beautiful. Uplifting even.

Marleaux said...

I love these two. Michelle is my idol. She has the career, the man, the family and a nice future first lady wardrobe.

HeyShae! said...

I'm loving the last shot. Wonderful moment for the photo album.

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Beautiful WW
Now I know what he looks like - I don't know too much about any candidate.
Great blogsite !
♥ your comment tag ...I might have to borrow it

thanks for visiting me
My Little Drummer boys