I enjoyed using my Manic Monday weekly meme last week to focus on music. This week Mo asked us to post on the word Blue.
I thought about giving some background on the blues. I've listened to some good Blues music in my life ... but that era of music was before my time. My next thought was a musical group called Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes.
I thought about giving some background on the blues. I've listened to some good Blues music in my life ... but that era of music was before my time. My next thought was a musical group called Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes.
Not all of y'all may know what I'm talking about ... but Harold Melvin's Blue Notes were da bomb back in the day. That was an era when you could touch the body of your dance partner ... you didn't have to search around to find where your partner went to. That was an era when there was still some mystery to the lyrics of a song or the visuals in a video. And for truly ol' school folks like me ... that was an era when you could understand the lyrics as they were being sung!!!!
The most famous Blue Note was Teddy Pendergrass. He was so good at singing his songs that female fans would throw their panties on the stage during his concerts! Do any of y'all remember that?
Some of the top hits from the Blue Notes included: 'If You Don't Know Me By Now', 'Satisfaction Guaranteed', 'The Love I Lost', 'Where Are All My Friends', 'Hope That We Can Be Together Soon" (with Sharon Paige)', 'Wake Up Everybody', 'Don't Leave Me This Way', 'Bad Luck', 'You Know How To Make Me', Get Out (And Let Me Cry)', Be For Real', 'Yesterday I Had The Blues', 'Reaching For The World' and many more.
Here is video of one of my favorites...
Dayum ... this was back when a brotha would beg for a sista! The lyrics from this song are simple and direct and they hit home with me very much. Now, I'm getting blue (sigh). What does hearing this music remind you of in your past?
Oh, I'm first!
Well, I grew up on this music, and I'm so thankful...I bring my son up on this kinda music because music these days is just BAD!
I remember Harold Melvin and The Blue Notes...my mother loved The O'Jays...woo, I could recite to you the words from almost every O'Jays song! Especially "You Got Your Hooks In Me"...mmm, mmm, mmm...cleaning up the house on Saturday morning...I knew it was time to get up when I heard the opening chords of that song...LOL
This group rocks, Villager! I'm putting up my MM post right after I finish commenting here. Thanks for commenting on my Giants post! Go Giants!
Ms. Marvalus - Did your mom play records on turntable those Saturday mornings? Or were you a family with an 8-track tape at the house? (smile)
Teach - I'll be over after you post your MM post. Probably after the NY Giants put a whoopin' on the NE Patriots!
OMG! We had one of those huge consoles that had an 8 track player and turntable...LOL! But the O'Jays were played on the turntable, it was the Motown artists that were played on the 8 track!
Ms. Marvalus - I used to have an 8-track player in the first car I owned (1972 Chevy Nova). In fact, I spent money to get some type of converter that would allow me to listen to cassette tapes in my 8-track player. I'm always slow on the uptake to buy new technology (smile)...
Cool Manic Monday with Blue!
I have nothing but BLUE skies over my blog, come take a look!
Wow, I love, love, love, Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes! I grew up on this and the music definitely reminds me of a more carefree time of life, like blue lights in the basement (sometimes red lights) and incense! Actual albums, 8 tracks, and reel to reels, my mom had all the good stuff and made me the music lover I am today!
My favorite songs from them are:
"Hope That We Can Be Together Soon" "Don't Leave Me This Way"
"You Know How To Make Me" and "Yesterday I Had The Blues"
This is from a time when music was really music, it had meaning, it was about love and relationships!
Thanks for the walk down memory lane!
We both went for the music, so stop by for "The Blues"
In my youth soul was my music of choice. The Blue Notes are well known to me and especially Teddy Pendergrass. Awesome walk down memory lane. Thanks Villager and have a great MM.
I don't remember personally, but I do remember my mom talking about Teddy Pendagrass concerts. I remember card parties and listen to the music.
I tell everybody that I am a juke joint baby, and when you say blues, that is what I listened to and what I listen to til this day.
My mom played Betty Wright, Bobby Womack, Johnny Taylor, ZZ Hill, Bobby Blue Bland, Phylis Hyman, Marvin Cease, and so many more. I can go on and on. All the grown folk use to ask me, "What you know about Teddy Pendagrass," then they would give me a dollar to select the songs on the juke box.
We had 8 tracks and records. The mix tape were on 8 tracks.
Ms. Grapevine - If your Mom is around ... ask her about if that panty thing is an urban myth (smile). Betty Wright is one of my favorites. She had some wild lyrics as I recall...
I love the blues. Some of the best music is blues and jazz.
Mine is here! Happy MM!
Villager, if you haven't seen this Obama YouTube video "Yes We Can" you must watch it. I'm putting it up on my blog for Tuesday!
Yea! Giants! You did it!
Duh, I didn't leave you the link: Obama video
Now that was some real music! You just can't go wrong with Harold Melvin and the blue Notes
Teach - Thanx for the link and referral to the Obama video ("Yes We Can"). I already had it up & running, however, I am excited that so many bloggers are sharing the video with their readers as well...
OneLuvGirl & Latimer - Amen! Thanks for taking time to share your village voice. I hope you each come back often...
man oh man
I love that song
you did it
I make my sons listen to this music. My oldest is 17 and he deejays. He loves to add old stuff to his mixes. I'm so proud of him.
you got me crying over here over some Teddy
Keala - I see that I hit a soft spot with some of the female villagers. I guess that I'll need to consider my walk thru memory lane in future Manic Monday memes...
Villager you were not riding my bro-tha. My first car was yo' cars better lookin' cousin. I had a 1974 metal flake brown Chevy Vega with tan pin stripping, 8-track, tan pleather interior and my boyfriends picture taped to the center of the steering wheel, now work wit' dat!!
Maaaan, me my sister and our girlfriends used to sit in the house and make up responses to the rap on this song, Ike's rap on "I Stand Accused" and The Intruders
"I Wanna Know Your Name."
Man, Man, Man, *staring off remembering some naughty things*
Shelia - Do you ever wonder where the boyfriend taped in the middle of the steering wheel is now?
HA! LOL, Villager. Would you believe he and I are still friends? We talk at least once weekly. Funny.
My mom used to play Teddy Pendergrass and Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes albums all the time when I was a kid. I didn't like it then, but now that I'm grown, I love it! You put one of my favorite songs EVER on here today!
Plus, the "rap" at the end is priceless...lol. I'd laugh, but Teddy was in the background singing his heart out while dude was talking about winning the lottery and taking care of his son LOL
Leon - Yeah, I think that there are many things about our parents that we didn't understand or appreciate back in the day ... but, as we get older we better understand and properly appreciate. Good soul music is one of those things...
Yeah, these brothers were tough. "I Miss You" or whatever the real name is was the classic 'I messed up' song. "Wake Up Everybody" is my favorite though. I love message music and that one definitely had one.
Marty - I need to get a whole IPod loaded with nothing but 'I Messed Up' songs (smile)...
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