February 6, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Super Tuesday Winners

Hillary Clinton and John McCain won Super Tuesday. I must admit that I wake up on Wednesday morning very disappointed in the results. What did you think about the Super Tuesday results?


msladyDeborah said...

I disagree Villager.

Yes, Clinton and McCain did very well and they won some big states.

But, Obama has proven a point that should not be ignored. He won in states that I was sure that she would carry. Which is an interesting point. Alaska,
Utah, North Dakota, Idaho~do you think large black populations?

If you think back to when this all started~this was supposed to be a wrap for Team Billary. And it is not happening that way. She needs to be challenged and so does Obama. That way the national popoulation can see what they both are about politically.

I did not think that he would take Calli or NY. I was hoping that something would change before the votes were casted. So those were not surprises to me at all. But in the big picture they are still having at it.

The stump is on the way to my home state of Ohio. It is already hot here for both parties. CNN is sponsoring a national debate here. The govenor is a Billary man and has lead her to believe that he can work it out for her.

But that is not how I see it. Obama '08 has been working it out all along. I suspect that it is going to be hot as hell here starting today.

So cheer up. It is not over and the fat donkey ain't even cleared its vocal chords to sing!

Joyismygoal said...

I was sad too but for other reasons

Anonymous said...

It had a few surprises. And a few more are likey ahead.

SandyCarlson said...

Well, it's nice to see these faces somewhat relaxed after all the drama and pageantry of Super Tuesday. It's quite a racket, this primary stuff. I guess if the Dems are split the Republicans had a very good day yesterday as a party.

Neen said...

I'm pulling for Hillary so was happy.

Woozie said...

It isn't really fair top say that Hillary won Super Tuesday because it wasn't really a decisive victory. She and Obama split delegates fairly evenly, and now has a lead of less than 100 over Obama, which is effectively a tie. Neither of them are close to the 2125 delegates they need to secure the nomination.

John McCain is the least obnoxious of the republicans, and he got rather unfairly screwed 8 years ago in SC, so I'm happy for him.

Deidra said...

I thought it was a great race. I'm not disappointed at all. Both won big. Hilary won in the sense that she won Cali and the big states and has more delegates. Obama on the other hand won small states but he won the most states and he's catching up with Hilary.

The fact that the two are close is exciting to me and now it's up to the rest of the states to push Obama or Hilary more to the top. I'm excited about Saturday.

This is the first time I really got into the elections. I was up all night looking at the numbers, chatting online, etc. I'm still talking about that today lol. I love this! It'll be boring if it wasn't as competitive as this!

Marvalus said...

I am not disappointed at all! This was and is an awesome race! Obama is not one to play with and he showed that last night...Hillary knows that she can't win this race with the same tactics that she has used up until now and Obama nows that she has to step up his game...there is no winner, but both have a little bit to brag about!

It is going to be awesome watching how this plays out...

Shesawriter said...

Um.... I think Obama and Hillary won equally, at least that's what the news reports are saying (CNN, Fox and MSNBC).

I'm Republican btw. LOL

Happy WW!

My Wordless Wednesday #12

Unknown said...

Lady D - I appreciate your village voice. I remain hopeful that Obama will win the nomination. However, I do think that Hillary won yesterday. She got more votes and more delegates. I'm trying not to sugar-coat it. Obama did better with white voters. However, he didn't win the white vote or the Hispanic vote in any of the 22 states last night. We still got work to do.

Unknown said...

JoyIsMyGoal - Eerie to have someone with Joy in the name talk about being sad. What saddened you about Super Tuesday results?

Gandalf & Grayson - Care to share what you saw as the biggest surprise of Super Tuesday results?

Sandy - Both political parties still have a way to go before settling things. I did think it remarkable that there were more Democratic voters in each state where both Dems and Repubs could vote in the same state on Super Tuesday...

Unknown said...

Neen - Should be an interesting few months until the convention. Have they already come to your state for a primary? They are coming to my state (Ohio) next month.

Woozie - I agree that Hillary's victory wasn't decisive. However, I do think that she correctly claims victory for last night. More votes. More delegates. Ain't that how they keep score?

Unknown said...

Deidra - I'm just grateful that you are participating in the process! It appears that you are much more upbeat about voting this cycle...which is great news!

Ms. Marvalus - I still hope for Obama to win the nomination. I agree that he needs to continue to step it up (as do we all!). However, I think that Hillary won last night ... and that was disappointing. I keep waiting for these large crowds that Obama draws to equate to votes...

Shesawriter - Do you think that McCain will take it all the way to the White House?

Shelia said...

Also, give it a few days Villager. As they begin to shake out these districts, Barack may be picking up more delegates.....Stay tuned.

Woozie said...

Nope, delegate counts are based on congressional districts not the popular vote. And then there's superdelegates (party officials, congressmen, senators, governors) which may or may not be tied to the outcome of a primary contest. They can either pledge their support to the candidate that wins their district/State, or they can throw their backing behind whoever they see fit. It's complicated.

Unknown said...

Shelia & Woozie - Thank you both for your comments. As stated, I'm still hopeful that Obama will be successful. My state votes next month ... so (God willing) ... I will cast my vote at that time...